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   "Hello, Supernova," Abyss greets you with a sharp sneer. Once again, something about her seems unnervingly familiar and it continues to bother you. "Long time, no see."

   "Sorry if I can't say I've missed you," you reply, still struggling against the liquid-shadow hand holding you up against a brick wall. The screams of pedestrians running down the street provide a background for your conversation. "Hey, didn't we throw you out of a twenty-something story window? Are you such a failure that you can't even manage to die properly?"

   She shrugs. "If you wanted me to die, you didn't try very hard. Oh, and struggling isn't going to help very much. Nothing can break through my shadows. A transport will be here in a few minutes to take you to a new base, where we'll reactivate your chip and get you back on the roster. Why the higher-ups would want an outdated weapon like you is beyond me, but with their most brilliant scientist in Shield's custody, they're taking everything they can get."

   A plan beginning to form in your mind as you stop struggling. You just need to keep her occupied long enough to put it into effect. You raise you eyebrows in fake surprise. "Wait, you really don't know about my chip?" Laughing in a seemingly incredulous way, you begin to gather your focus. "You and Hydra are in for a big surprise. I mean, wow! Your tech department is even more incompetent than I thought it was."

   Abyss' eyebrows furrow in confusion. "What do you mean? Answer me!" She begins to get angry and you hope that the rage is enough to distract her from the way in which your eyes are seeming to glow. The last time you tried this, you almost blinded yourself, so you'll have to be incredibly careful.

   You chuckle mockingly. "Sorry, it's just that you have it all wrong. But hey, I got it wrong, too, when I first woke up in the tower. It's an easy mistake to make." Almost ready. "Hey, by the way, you look super familiar. Have we met, you know, before you tried to kill my friends?"

   She ignores your question. "How am I wrong?" Abyss snarls. "Tell me! Or I'll crush you like a twig!" The hand tightens around you and you decide that it's time to end this.

   You pretend to panic slightly, your eyes opening wide. "Fine! Fine! Sheesh, I'll tell you. The Avengers didn't disable the chip." You suddenly drop the act, fixing Abyss with your, unbeknownst to her, deadly gaze. "They removed it. I'm free."

   You let go of the light that has been building in your eyes and it slams into Abyss, breaking her concentration. When Hydra had forced your mutation, your powers had manifested themselves in the ability to control light and sound. Part of that power was controlling the light and sound in the world around you, but another part was controlling the light within you. You don't know where this light comes from, but it's what comes out of your palms when you summon lasers. The light naturally travels down to your hands, but all it takes is some concentration to get it to exit through a different outlet, such as your eyes. The result is exactly what you had hoped for.

   In a flash, Abyss is thrown backwards through the air. She slams into the car that she had been under a few minutes earlier, crumpling the metal as if it were paper.

   The black hand that had been holding you captive seems to become less solid, the edges blurring and blending into the air around them like watercolors, and you fall to the ground below. The jarring impact disorients you for a moment, allowing Abyss to rise. One look at her face, which is twisted with rage, lets you know that she isn't going to play the waiting game anymore. You've damaged her pride, which is exactly what you meant to do, and now she's going to make you pay for it.

   Check please, is your only thought before the hand reforms, snatches you off the pavement, and throws you into the middle of traffic. You land on your side, skidding a few feet before coming to rest on the yellow lines in the middle of the road. Your jacket protects you from some serious road rash, but you still find yourself wishing that you had thought to bring your shock-absorbing, armor-plated suit.

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