Sounds Like Charmspeak To Me

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Nico was almost pissing himself in excitement at the revelation that Percy did in fact, have water bending powers that he had control of. He was blushing furiously, trying to work up the courage to ask Percy if he could do a cool demonstration with his newfound skills. Of course, Newt dismissed that idea immediately, mostly because they needed to get moving if they wanted to find a way out before the other group did, much to the disappointment of the other two boys.

"I'll show them off if we live," Percy promised as they began to pick up the pace again, going for a good jog.

"Aren't you a ray of sunshine," Newt snorted, "If we live?"

"Yeah, we could die at any minute," he deadpanned in reply. His answers were becoming a bit more clipped as they ran, him obviously wanting to save his energy for sprinting around. "I mean we could die right—"

He froze at the sight in front of him, a grotesque Griever clicking its claws menacingly at them. There was no point in trying to hide, as it had spotted them already and was making slow advances towards them as if it had all the time in the world. The three of them stood there, already too late to whip any weapons out, even Percy's Riptide. It wasn't before long that it was three yards away, them too frozen to even make a break for it. Clearly, the robot was taking its sweet time, much like a cat would with a helpless mouse. On instinct, they stood together, back to back, in case there were others ready to spring an attack on them.

"What did you say about dying right now?" Nico giggled nervously, a small knife in his hands—not like that would do them any good.

"Gee, Nico, I wonder where that came from," Newt growled, finally whipping out his machete. "Okay guys, when I say run, you say nothing and actually run, okay?"

"Dammit, I thought it was gonna be some cheer. Like when I say gay ships, you say Newtmas," he replied with a small whine.

Percy thought it was an appropriate time to chime in with a, "Me too!"

"JUST RUN YOU IDIOTS," the British boy bellowed, making a wild dive forward, the others following suit. It was a stupid sort of plan to just dive at the Griever almost unarmed, but at the moment, it was all instinct and zero thought involved.

From his sheath on his back, Percy pulled out Riptide, though it was too bulky to make a good swing from the angle where he was. His eyes flashed, memories from another life coming back.

Waking up with Annabeth over him, at age twelve.

He kept running, Newt and Nico tailing behind, the Griever still pursuing.

Holding a golden fleece, surrounded by friends.

His legs ached and ached at the sudden sprint he was breaking out in, but no, he refused to stop—death would be better than stopping when they were so close to the truth.

Riding an ebony winged horse over skyscrapers.

No, his energy was draining, no doubt because of his water summoning. If he paused, they all would die. But he could always fight...

Running around in a different maze, Grover and Tyson at his side, whoever they were.

He could have done this forever, fighting back the flashbacks that followed while trying to see straight. The three of them ran into the other group, they too being pursued by a different Griever, even more menacing than their own. Minho cursed openly before being the first to get on his feet, quickly followed by Teresa and Thomas.

How exactly they had run into each other in such a vast Maze, none of them would ever be too sure of. The only thing that mattered was backing away from the robot spiders as fast as possible. However, they didn't seem too keen on attacking them, but instead, lingered around intimidatingly.

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