One | Group A

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Chapter one, in which a certain demigod ends up in the Glade—how he ended up there, we'll never know.

Percy woke up trapped in what could only be described as a very cold metal box. It was moving quickly, and he could feel large containers around him. Was he trapped in a supply truck or something? No, the vehicle or whatever was moving him was headed up. He could see the sun from the grate above him. It was blinding. After being in the dark for an unknown amount of time, Percy felt almost burned and out in the open. The box ceased to move. He realized that he was in an elevator, and a group of boys—50? 60 of them maybe?—were staring at him. Suddenly, Percy felt like there was something wrong. He felt like he should have a sword, a shield at least. It was an odd feeling of unfamiliarity and openness. 

One of the taller boys, with roughly chopped blond hair spoke up. "Hey Greenie and welcome to the Glade!" The boy jumped into the elevator, rattling it. Percy scooted back against a barrel fearfully. 

He didn't trust this guy, nor any of the guys gawking at him. With the little strength he had, he tried to punch the guy in the jaw. He caught the punch easily. Although he was skinny, he was stronger than he let on. Even with his full strength, Percy was pretty sure taking him on was a bad idea, especially when he had that glare of his on. 

"Woah there Greenie. No need for throwing punches quite yet." The boy lowered his arm. "My name's Newt. You?"

Percy racked his brain for a moment. "My name... it's Percy." His voice was hoarse. "Why can't I remember anything? I can't even remember how old I am."

Newt nodded like he understood. "All us shanks go through this. Like I said, you'll gain your bloody bearings in a few days." Percy noted the guy had a British accent. He grabbed another guy's outstretched arm and pulled himself out of the elevator, Newt hopping out after him. The Glade—was that what Newt called it?—was this huge grassy area, with these towering walls surrounding it. He remembered something.

A maze—a maze he went through before. And something else. Annabeth. That was it. He knew Annabeth was important to him, but something wouldn't let him remember. It was as if something was blocking his memory. Percy pushed through the boys, and started to run towards the only exit, which was a large space between the walls. He wasn't even sure it was a maze, but something felt vaguely familiar. About half way towards to wall, he was jerked back by the same guy that pulled him out of the elevator.

"Whoa there Greenbean. We have three rules, and you're about to break one of them. One, you do your part. We don't have time for slackers. Two, don't hurt another Glader. This keeps us in order. And most important, only Runners go into the maze, and they better get their butts back to the Glade before dark. Got it? You don't go in there."

"What's in there?" Percy was starting to dislike him. The guy seemed like the leader, and Percy knew better than to buck his authority.

"You don't want to know," the boy said darkly. He looked about seventeen. "My name's Alby. When I'm not around, you report to Newt." He held his hand out.

Percy shook it gingerly. "Percy. But you knew that already."

Alby led him back to the other boys. "Try not to get a bad rep. It's your first day after all." Percy scanned the crowd. The youngest of the boys were about 12, maybe 13. The older ones were in their high teens, maybe almost 20. It was hard to tell when none of them could remember anything. Some stuck out more to him: an angry looking guy, about sixteen; a chubby little kid, 13 at most; and a few others. He still felt a little dazed, and a bit stupid because he was the new guy again. A little part of him knew that he was the new guy a lot, and he had to earn his reputation. It was late afternoon; the sun would set in three hours at most.

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