Three | Group B

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Chapter three, in which Annabeth finds herself in the Glade.

Annabeth had woken up to find a group of girls looming over her with weapons in their hands. It was hardly a pleasant welcome for someone who had just woken up with no memories. She had no idea who she was or where she was. All she could remember was her own name. And Percy. Who this Percy was, Annabeth couldn't recall, but it hardly mattered when her life was at the mercy of a menacing group of warrior girls.

"The name's Harriet. Welcome to the Glade." The girl's hair was short, cut close to her scalp. Her dark skin was an obvious contrast to the girl next to her, with pale skin and strawberry-blonde hair. Annabeth sized them up. Leaders, no doubt, and good ones.

She stood up and looked at them in the eye. "My name is Annabeth. Now, I'd like to know where the heck I am, thank you very much." The elevator below here shuddered slightly as she walked up to Harriet and her co-leader boldly. The other girls snickered.

"Well as much as I would like to tell you, Annabeth, we don't have a clue where we are either. How about you get up here and we'll have some proper introductions," Harriet replied. Expertly, Annabeth leaped out of the elevator and did a flip midair, landing in front of Harriet and her blonde friend. The other girls whooped and clapped.

"Ooh we got a warrior!" A girl in the back laughed. Others joined in, clapping each other on the back and trying to keep a straight face.

"Shut it you!" Harriet barked. "This is Sonya. When I'm not around, she's in charge," she said, gesturing to the pale girl next to her.

"Nice to meet you Sonya," Annabeth said neutrally. She needed to analyze these girls more before she did anything or acted the slightest friendly.

"Likewise," Sonya chirped, nodding approvingly. "Looks like we got a good one this month."

"Now Annabeth, I'm sure you're very confused, but we all went through this when we first came here," Harriet interrupted. "But you'll catch on eventually. It's getting late. Sonya will take care of you." The group of girls dispersed, leaving Annabeth with Sonya.

She bombarded Sonya with questions. "Why am I here? I can't remember anything! Is that normal? And do you know a Percy? I don't know what's going on!" And with that she sat down and hugged her knees tightly. She never felt so blind and unknowledgeable in her life. Not that she remembered any of it, anyways.

"Whoa there. You'll find out in due time. And Percy? Never heard of him. But calm down, okay?" Sonya said gently. "Let's go find you a place to sleep. It's getting do dark for my liking." The sun was sinking below the horizon as she spoke. Slowly, Annabeth stood and shakily followed Sonya to a shabby looking building, where the girls had retreated earlier. She got her a sleeping bag and a few toiletries, nothing special. She explained where they were and what went on in the Glade.

"I'll see you in the morning," the girl said. "Try to sleep."

Sleep was not an option. It was a choice, after what had just happened. Annabeth prayed for herself to have a peaceful night. Her dreams thought different.

It was as if she saw a recording of her life. She was with a black-haired, sea-green-eyed boy. He looked like a skater, but he was cute. First they were eleven in a truck, then older, fighting off a huge one-eyed Cyclops. Her life flashed by her. She was with the boy every time. Now they were about 16. He was about to get stabbed in the back. Sensing danger, she threw herself in front of him, taking the knife meant for him. Annabeth heard herself whisper, "Percy," before things went black.

She awoke with a start. It was morning.

"Hurry up, will you? You can't sleep this long on usual days. Be glad you're a Greenie," Sonya hissed.

"Give me a minute," Annabeth mumbled back, fumbling at the zipper of her sleeping bag. "Alright alright, I'm up!" She stood and rubbed her eyes. It had been a long night. Sonya led her to breakfast. Most of the girls had finished and were beginning to head out to work.

"Have a seat," Sonya said. "You'll need your energy if you're gonna find a good job today." And she was right. Annabeth wolfed down her pancakes eagerly and nodded.

"So how are you gonna find me a job?" Annabeth said, interested.

"Easy. First things first. What are you good at?"

Annabeth racked her brain for any memory of anything she could do. "Well I can fight. And I can run." After a pause, she added quickly. "I'm a fast and powerful thinker."

"Hmm..." Sonya crossed her arms and bounced her knee in thought. Annabeth was starting to think she said something wrong when Sonya spoke. "Looks like you're a Runner! Time to prove yourself then." And just like that Annabeth was made a Runner, the most prestigious role besides leader and Keeper.


"What's there to wait for? I taught you how the Glade works. I think you can take the reins with a Keeper helping you. Look there she is now." A tall girl, with long red hair, walked over. Sonya went on. "This is Kathy, Keeper of the Runners. Annabeth, meet Kathy. Kathy, Annabeth." The two shook hands gingerly.

Annabeth disliked her immediately. Kathy had this way of looking happy while instilling the fact that she would shut anyone down at all costs. "So Annie..."

She cut her off. "It's Annabeth. Not Annie," she growled. She wasn't going down without a fight.

Slightly shocked, she blinked, and assumed a confident, yet fake, face. "Whatever. Let's go get you some proper shoes," Kathy said, frowning at Annabeth's rather frayed shoes.

"Whatever you say, Keeper."

They went to a small building where the Keepers kept their supplies. "Size Annie?" Kathy asked, holding up a few pairs of running shoes.

"Six and a half," she replied distracted by the maps of the Maze. "This is incredible!" They were interesting enough, but the intricacy of the maps themselves gave her a headache. There were hundreds of them, packed neatly into little boxes. One map for every section and everyday. Assuming the girls had been in the Glade for a good two years (something Sonya had told her the night before), there were hundreds upon hundreds of maps. She studied them while Kathy was rummaging through the closet in search of a pair of shoes. The Maze repeated itself every once in a while. It seemed like it went in a pattern, one that Annabeth couldn't figure out. That fact drove her crazy.

Kathy tapped her on the shoulder. "Here are your shoes." They were a lovely shade between orange and puke. Ugly, but comfy. Annabeth also got her pick of weapons to go with her watch (to keep track of when the Maze would close, Kathy had said.) For some reason, Annabeth opted for daggers and some throwing knives. They seemed to come alive with her touch and felt familiar in her hands.

"My, aren't we smart?" Kathy drawled. "Most girls would want a big, macho sword to prove themselves and end up getting themselves hurt, the little sissies. Annie, you're smarter than you look." She was unperturbed by the fact that she was egging on an armed teenage girl. She looked amused, even.

"Well you are as dumb as you look," Annabeth replied coolly.

Gritting her teeth, the taller girl rolled her eyes. "Watch your back Annie. I'm not someone you'd want for your enemy." She stormed off, leaving Annabeth to follow behind.

Well that wasn't any way to make friends now, wasn't it?


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