Eleven | Group A

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Chapter eleven, in which three certain guys get themselves in a pickle.

Every guy's dream is to wake up with a hot girl hovering over them—or at least that's what Percy figured, because he certainly wasn't against that. That's sort of what he woke up to, and even then it was a stretch. 

Percy opened his eyes and peered drowsily at Teresa, who was nonchalantly tracing mud over his face as if he were the canvas and the mud the paint. "Whoa, watch the jaw, you'll cut yourself!"

This startled some of the other boys, at the very least. Percy was glad to see Thomas had fallen off of his hammock and was cursing as quietly as possible. Teresa casually got a wet glob of mud and threw that at Thomas too, who groaned and rolled over on the floor in defeat. 

He sprinted to grab a bucket and splashed his face with it, oblivious to Thomas' piercing stare and the murmurs of the other boys. 

"I said, stay away from her," the boy growled once he got back. "I thought we had a deal." 

Percy shrugged—he couldn't help that Teresa was smearing mud at him and not Thomas. "Not my fault she prefers me over you."

Thomas' hands balled into fists. How he could get so angry early in the morning, he wasn't sure, but he sure was jealous. "J-just stay away from her."

They all went down to breakfast—Thomas was noticeably sulky and lashed out at everyone who spoke to him. He made sure to sit farthest away from Percy and was glued to Teresa's side.

"We need to give her the tour," Newt declared at the table they normally sat at. As leader, of course he would suggest that the Greenie needed the tour—if anything, Percy was relieved that he wasn't the new kid this time around.

"I'll do it!" Minho, Thomas, and Percy all volunteered at once. At that, they gave each other odd looks, but decided not to argue over who had said it first. 

Newt gave them a once-over. "Actually, I was thinking Chuck..."

This caused an outburst of "No way!" From the three.

The blond boy found it fun to tease them, though he understood fully why they would protest. With a smirk, he added, "Or maybe Gally... you three are Runners after all and need to do your job."

Minho crossed his arms, his brow furrowed in mild annoyance. "No way shuck face."

Thomas simply looked down and remained quiet—perhaps if he kept quiet, he would be chosen. Percy followed suit. Only the Keeper of the Runners chose to keep fighting, simply because he felt the need to as the Sass Queen of the group. Minho certainly saw Teresa as a girl worth fighting for.

"Hmm... maybe I'll give the tour myself, save us all some trouble," Newt mused to himself, oblivious to the other boys' protests.

"Newtie baby!" Minho whined rather loudly. His eyes became wide when he realized what he said, and he excused himself, causing everyone to laugh quietly to themselves. 

"If you two want to give the tour so bad, then Rock Paper Scissors. Two out of three wins," Newt said, bored. The whole argument was dragging on a whole lot longer than he would have liked anyways. 

The two boys glared at each other and pounded their fists on their palms three times. Anyone bothering to watch knew that this was the battle of the century. 

"Rock paper scissors!" they cried.

Thomas showed paper.

Percy revealed scissors.

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