Two | Group A

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Chapter two, in which Percy miraculously becomes a Runner. 

It was dawn and Newt was leaning over him smirking. "Rise and shine Greenie. Got a long day ahead of us." He put a finger on his mouth, warning him to shut up. "Try not to wake anyone," he whispered. Percy stumbled to his feet and followed him, nearly tripping over Thomas, who was drooling on his pillow. "Hurry up Percy!" Newt whispered.

"Alright, alright! Just trying not to trip on anyone," he mumbled back.

When they were outside of the Homestead, Newt opened his arms, as if expecting a hug. "So shank, welcome to the Glade! It's time for the official tour." He pointed to a small plot of trees. "There's the woods. We keep a cemetery there. You know... for the dead."

"Dead people—?" Percy sputtered.

"Yes Greenie. We've been here for two years. Some of us would have to die at some point, right? Now shut up, I'm trying to give a tour," Newt replied impatiently. Nodding, Percy tried not to ask any more questions. "So here is the bloody Maze, obviously. Two years of mapping it out and the Runners found nothing but lots of walls."

There was a hint of bitterness in Newt's voice, and Percy knew better than to ask why. Newt limped to the gardens, where the Gladers grew their own food. And then he showed Percy the Bloodhouse. That place gave him the chills. Livestock met their ends there. It seemed kind of haunted. It was a rather silly thought, but Percy imagined ghostly cows and pigs wandering around, hunting down the Slicers for killing them. Percy decided he didn't want anything to do with the Bloodhouse anymore.

After the tour, the other Gladers were already up and getting breakfast. Only then did Percy realize he was starving. Last night's dinner had not been very satisfying. It was good, but hardly counted as a filling meal. He got some eggs with ham and bacon. The food kept on reminding him of home—if he could figure out where home was.

Chuck gestured him over to where he was sitting with Thomas and Minho. "Morning Greenie," he mumbled with his mouth full.

"Chuck, it's rude to talk with your mouth full," Minho said, clicking his tongue.

The boy swallowed and grinned cheekily. "Sorry 'bout that."

"It's okay, uh, shank," Percy replied, trying to use a slang term he heard the other boys using. Thomas, Minho, and Chuck burst out laughing. The Keeper of the Runners looked about ready to explode from laughter, and Thomas was trying to control himself, but was failing miserably. "What's so funny?" he asked, feeling rather dumb.

Minho recovered long enough to shake his head and smirk. "Well shank," he said teasingly. "Greenies sound weird using the Glader slang, that's all. I mean, you'll get used to it. But you've been here only two days!"

Percy felt a bit uncomfortable just sitting there. "Well you'd have to use it to be used to it right?"

"I suppose," Minho replied, now occupied with his food. "Better hurry up. Newt's gonna make you work your hole off to find you a good job here in the Glade. Thomas, let's go." He got up and Thomas followed suit accordingly. They went to a small building that Newt had called the Map Room during the tour earlier.

Newt limped over. "Shank we don't have time to watch the grass grow! Follow me. And finish your bacon while you're at it." Percy hastily stood up, his mouth full with food. He followed Newt as he limped to the gardens where the Gladers grew their food. The guys that grew and harvested the crops were called Track-hoes. Their Keeper was Zart. He looked bored as hell, but he seemed friendly enough. Percy was set to work hoeing the dirt and scattering seeds. Soon enough he figured out being a Track-hoe was not the job for him. Bored, he waved his hoe around, spinning it in a way Percy thought he would never know. He pretended he was fighting invisible monsters when—

"Percy!" Newt said sharply. "What in bloody hell are you doing?"

Percy set the hoe down and tried to make it look like he was doing work. "Uh..."

"Never mind. Track-hoe isn't your thing? There's always the other jobs." And that began the long day. The thing was, Percy could do the tasks Newt told him to do. He could even lift the heavy lumber on his own (it usually took at least two guys) from when he was with the Builders. Gally was leering at him, which put Percy under pressure, but he still did it. It was just Percy got distracted. A butterfly would pass by and Percy would lash out at it with whatever he was holding. That happened with the Builders. He nearly knocked Gally's head off, making him swear loudly. No job was right for him.

Even Newt had no idea what to do with him. "We'll find a job for you, shuck face. I'm sure of that." It seemed liked he was just trying to convince himself. Well it was dinner and Percy had no job that would fit him. The Runners were back from their daily excursion of the Maze. Minho and Thomas looked especially out of breath.

"Call Alby," Minho panted. "Need... Keepers. And the Greenie. Gathering now—" He collapsed in exhaustion. Some of the other boys hoisted him and Thomas up and gave them water.

Newt stood up. "You heard the shank! Keepers, to the Homestead! Time for a Gathering." With some help, Minho and Thomas stumbled into the room where Percy assumed was where they held their meetings. There were fourteen seats- one for every Keeper, plus for Newt and Alby and the shank in trouble. Percy opted to hang out by the door until someone told him what to do. The boys all settled down, Gally glaring at everyone.

"Looks like you'll be sitting on the floor, shuck-face," Minho joked, despite his tiredness. Percy grinned back half-heartedly, knowing this Gathering was called for him. He sat by Thomas' chair, which was closest to the door. Didn't hurt to have an escape plan.

Alby clapped his hands. "Alright. Minho? Thomas? What's this for? And it better be good."

The two Runners held each other for support as they stood up. "We found a note in the Maze. From the Creators." Percy gasped. He didn't see it before, but Minho held a note in his hands. Even Alby went pale.

"Last time we found a note, it gave us the girl," Newt said in a hushed voice. What girl? What was going on?

"What girl?" Percy butted in.

"None of your business," Newt replied evenly.

The Keeper of the Runners held the note out. "See for yourself." with trembling hands, Newt took it and read it about ten times silently.

He crossed his arms. "It says 'Make the Greenie a Runner. -Creators.' What kind of bloody note is that? Throw us into the middle of no where and then boss us around like that? What can that shank do to help the Runners?"

Zart raised a tentative hand. "Well you did say he was bad at everything. Hyper, you said. Maybe that could help us. I elect him Runner. He seems pretty able anyways."

"Have you gone nuts too?" Newt cried. "I'll give him a chance. Just because he can't do anything else."

Meanwhile Alby had been quiet, listening in. "So," he rumbled. "All in favor?" Three quarters of the Keepers, including Newt, Minho, Zart, and Gally raised their hands. Percy figured that Gally voted him Runner just to make sure he'd die in the Maze.

"That's a majority. Gathering adjourned." Newt said. "Minho will show you how to be a Runner tomorrow. Off to bed shuck faces!" Everyone left, leaving Percy and Thomas.

He turned to Thomas. "I'd never admit it to the others, but I'm scared. Thomas, I'm so so scared."

The boy thought for a little before speaking. "Well that's kind of the point. Don't know what the shuck is going on or where we're going to be a year from now. Try not to think about it. C'mon."

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