Chapter Nineteen

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'Whaaaat?!' Mem-cho shouts utterly surprised, her cry echoing through the room. Shun quickly covers her mouth with his hand, glancing around the coffee shop embarrassed.

'Ssh!! Not so loud!' he hisses and the girl nods making him retrieve his hand. 'Why are you so shocked? I thought you noticed.'

Mem-cho nods furiously. 'I did but I thought that he had chosen Akane. Because, well, they are dating and they tell so much on the internet.' she states before wiggling her eyebrows at him. 'Who would've thought he'd be messing around with another actor and a male.'

Shun's cheeks heat up as he looks down flustered. 'All we have done is kiss, nothing much. I dunno what you're talking about.' he grumbles.

Mem-cho shrugs as she starts to stir her lemonade with the straw. 'So are you dating or what?'

Shun sighs deeply while leaning back on his seat. 'Nope.'

Mem-cho gasps, dramatically slamming her hands on the table. 'waaa? Why not?'

'It's complicated.' he replies, fixating his eyes on the wooden table. Mem-cho frowns confused. 'Look, I guess we do like each other-ish but we're not a hundred percent sure.'

Mem-cho hums. 'I mean he is pretty and his eyes are beautiful and he cares in a certain way. And even if he doesn't smile much when he does it's like the world gained color...-'

Mem-cho squints his eyes at him. '...right. so what's the problem again? All I'm hearing are compliments.'

Shun crosses his arms. 'My point is we're both not ready for a relationship. If I were to date him I would be using him to get over someone I knew...-'

'Red flag.' Mem-cho mumbles.

'Right. I know.' Shun replies and then groans frustrated. 'I don't know what to do! I mean I like kissing him but what if the only reason that I like him it's because he reminds me so much of my ex?!'

'And I know that they don't look alike but I can't just like him because he's pretty right??'

'That would be dick-ish.' Mem-cho says and sighs. 'Okay, so I think that what you're doing is the right thing. I think both of you should just figure out what you feel and what to do next before stepping into a relationship.'

'Okay...' Shun mumbles before raising an eyebrow her way. ' you think we should keep making out? Or... I mean we only made out like five times but still. Do you think we should keep our distance?'

Mem-cho scrunches up her nose. 'The choice is yours dude, knock yourself out.' Shun nods before grabbing his fork and taking a bite of the cheesecake in front of him. 'Sooo, nervous for the play yet? It's in a couple of days right?'

Shun shrugs. 'Not really, I'm more worried about Aqua.'

The girl brings the straw to her mouth. 'Let's hope it goes well.'




He said he wasn't nervous. And he wasn't. Back then he wasn't. However, right now, while sitting on a chair, the crew putting on his makeup and wig, his nerves were up, high enough to hit the moon.

'Calm down brother you'll do good as always.' Kana comforts as she crosses her arms. She is already in her costume and she looks very pretty in it.

Shun looks at her his eyes wide. 'This is live... I played live once when I was a kid Kana!' he hisses as the crew tells him they're done. The male stands up from the chair and Kana puts a hand on his shoulder.

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