Chapter Eighteen

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Shun doesn't know how to cook, and everyone knows that by now. Sure, his husband ate his food from time to time just not to make him upset, but that doesn't change the existence of the sins he makes in the kitchen.

'Okay hun, the first thing you do is chop some onions, can you do that?' the adorable old woman asks with a small gentle smile.

Shun nods fiercely taking the knife the woman is offering him. 'I'll try my best.' he says while grabbing the onion from the counter.

Okay so the first step is to cut it in half, right? Right. It must be, and so Shun cuts it in half. Wait...maybe he needed to remove that dry skin thing first, fuck did he already mess up?

'Don't panic, we can remove it now.' Shun reassures himself and starts to remove it from both halves of the onion. He smiles proudly. 'See? Everything is fine.'

Following the woman's instructions Shun tried his best to cut the onions as evenly as possible. After he was done with the onions the woman handed him a potato and other kinds of vegetables he had to cut.

After accidentally cutting his own hand twice and almost dropping those vegetables on the ground he was finally done, earning a sweet praise from the woman beside him who took the vegetables to make the curry she was planning to.

Shun watches her do her magic with awe in his eyes, the woman giving him step by step instructions.

'And now all we have to do is mix.' the woman tells him and then points at the mixture happily. 'See? It's already turning into a nice color. And it also smells good.'

'It looks so good! You're amazing!' Shun praises with a smile, he can't wait to devour this later.

The woman chuckles bashfully. 'You're too kind, Shu! Here take the spoon.' she says and Shun does what she says, taking the spoon from her hand, the warmth of the stove hitting his face. 'Keep stirring while I make the rice, okay?'

'Yes.' Shun replies quickly as the woman disappears into their pantry, probably to grab some rice.

'It smells good.' His lips immediately lift into a smile when hearing his voice coming from behind him. Aqua approaches him, looking over his shoulders from behind. 'Did you make that?'

Shun chuckles with a shake of his head. 'All I did was chop some potatoes and carrots, granny did almost everything.'

Shun's face warms up when Aqua wraps an arm around his waist from behind, grabbing his free hand and bringing it to his face. 'Seems like you cut yourself while doing it too.' He says staring at the bandage wrapped around Shun's finger.

'Twice, which is an improvement really.' Shun replies before grimacing at the feeling on his arm. Stirring sucks, especially when you have to do it for a long time. 'My arm is so tired...' Shun says with a deep sigh, his hand stirring the curry coming to a halt.

'I'll stir it for you.' Aqua grabs the wooden spoon from him, stirring it gently just like Shun did.

The other boy smiles gratefully. 'You're my hero.' he says playfully before his face becomes a little more serious. He turns his head to squint his eyes suspiciously at the boy. 'How did it go? Are you even supposed to be here?'

Aqua nods, taking his eyes off the pot to look at him. 'Akane and the director both agreed to take a break. And yeah, everything went fine.

'Don't take it too far, Aquamarine. Your mental health is way more important than some stupid play. Remember that.' Shun says as he crosses his arms.

'You're only saying that because you don't struggle with emotional acting as I do.' Aqua grumbles under his breath.

Shun shakes his head with a frown. 'I guess that's true but you did promise to take it easy.'

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