Chapter Ten

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'Just look at how many views this has!' Shun says shoving his phone at Aqua's face, the other deadpans. Let's just say that the video idea was a success. Akane definitely got less hate and her reputation was rebuilt. 'It's great considering how much time we spent on this.'

Aqua sighs pushing the phone away from his face. The two males were together with Mem-cho and Yuki in a room in the set.

Shun turns to the door when hearing it open. Akane walks in and immediately Mem-cho and Yuki walk up to her asking if she saw the said video. 'I saw the video. I'm still getting criticized, but I'll return to the show from the next filming session!' Akane answers with a smile while removing her red glasses.

Mem-cho puts her hands together and smiles. 'I'm so glad!'

Yuki on the other hand gives her a worried glance. 'There's no need to force it though, okay?' she says softly before gasping. 'Uh, I didn't mean that in a bad way! Personally, I want you back even if you have to push yourself!' she says flustered, afraid that Akane got the wrong idea.

However the said girl gives her a closed eyed smile. 'I know.'

Yuki sighs relieved. 'It feels harder than ever to word things right these days.' she says frustrated while rubbing her head. 'If I'd said that on Twitter, I likely would've gotten roasted a bit. I really have to be careful.'

Shun stands up from where he was sitting. 'From now on, Akane, it might be best if you play a character to some degree.' he says while approaching them, stopping by Mem-cho's side. 'After all, it hurts all the more if it's the real you that gets bashed.'

Akane looks at him. 'A character?'

'Yeah... If you put on some kind of act that role will become your armor.' Aqua says making everyone turn to him. The boy takes a sip of what's in his paper cup. Which Shun assumes to be coffee. 'If you expose your true self, you'll just get hurt. And that applies to more than just reality shows.'

Mem-cho grins putting her hands on her hips. 'The act you put on is several layers deep, isn't it?'

Shun deadpans 'That's great but I wish you'd show us your heart of hearts a bit more.' He says with a sigh.

'I'd rather not.'

Akane smiles, putting some of her hair behind her ear. ' good at acting. I'll give it a shot.' she says referring to Shun's advice from earlier.

Shun smiles back at her. 'Yeah, true, you low-key are an actress.'

Akane sighs. 'If anything, that's my only redeeming feature.' she whispers annoyed with herself. 'But what role should I play exactly?'

Mem-cho hums and looks over at Aqua. 'What kind of girls are your type, Aqu-tan?' she asks crossing her arms before approaching him with a wide grin.

Aqua looks at her. 'Why me.'

Yuki also approaches him with a wide smile. 'Cause you're the only guy around now.' she says giddily.

Aqua points at Shun who is about to walk out the door, trying to escape. 'Shun's here.' Mem-cho's head practically does a full spin before she runs and jumps on him, stopping Shun from escaping.

She drags a complaining Shun over. 'You answer it first and then Shun.' she says and Yuki nods happily. Aqua could feel Shun glare his way and sweatdrops. 'Come on, tell us about your ideal girl.'

Shun stops with the glaring and instead stares at him with some curiosity. 'My ideal...' The blonde mumbles as he looks down avoiding their curious eyes.  'My ideal...girl? Girl?' Aqua says with a questioning tone and slightly hesitant. Not catching his tone at all, the girls nod, their big eyes staring at him impatiently.

Aqua didn't want to answer that question. Because, well, girl didn't seem right. 'A... girl with a pretty face.' he says as that is the first thing that came into his mind.

Mem-cho lets go of Shun and grimaces together with Yuki. 'Ugh, you're the worst. The very embodiment of being all about looks.' Mem-cho and Yuki say at the same time not noticing the almost sad look in Aqua's eyes.

Shun did see it though, and he wondered why he was sad about a simple question like this. 'She has to smile like the sun but also at the same time like rain. The rain that makes you feel cold on your skin but also refreshing on warm days.' Aqua continues in a whisper, his droopy eyes staring at the ground with a distant look.

'Everything she does is perfect, the way she talks and behaves.' A small smile appears on his face, Shun felt like his heart was about to burst out of his chest. 'Except for her cooking, but I wouldn't have the heart to tell him that.'

Shun's eyes widened. Him, him, him, him, him. Him? Did nobody else notice it? Akane for some reason got out her notebook while the other two girls listened carefully. Shun sighs 'Maybe I heard it wrong.'

'Her way of being draws you in by its very nature. The warmth in her eyes could melt you just by looking at it for seconds. The soft of her hand, the cold of the ring.' he says before being cut off by the girls. For some reason that Shun didn't understand, he felt like crying. Why did that feel so strange?

'Maybe he means someone like Ai from B Komachi. I mean what he said didn't sound exactly like her but close enough, right?' Mem-cho says, thinking out loud. It made Aqua's eyes widen.

'Ai?' Shun mutters before looking at Mem-cho intrigued. 'That's a name I haven't heard in a while.'

Mem-cho gets out her phone and shows Yuki and Shun the picture of the Idol. She puts her phone away and turns to Aqua. 'Am I wrong?' Mem-cho asks the blond with a teasing smile. Shun turns to look at Aqua who simply shrugs in return.

Yuki grins. 'Ah, so that is your type!'

Akane looks down flustered, while fidgeting with her pen. 'I'll try being the kind of girl Aqua likes.' she says and the girls begin to celebrate and cheer her on.

Shun tilts his head to the side bewildered. Bothered? 'Excuse me? What?!'

'What about you, Shun?' Yuki says making his attention shift to her.

Shun points at himself. 'Me?' he says nervously making the girl smile and nod mischievously. 'I...uh I'm.' his eyes land on Aqua who stares back at him with curiosity. Shun quickly averted his gaze to something else. 'My type? I don't know...'

Mem-cho pouts. 'Come on! You've worked with a lot of beautiful girls in your career. There must be someone that stood out.'

Shun shakes his head. 'Not really.' he says and crosses his arms, looking down. 'I mean...there was this one person a long time ago.' he whispers, heat crawling up his cheeks.

Mem-cho and Yuki smile widely. 'Who? Who?! Who?!' they shout excitedly as they stare at Shun like two maniacs.

Shun shakes his head. 'I'd rather not talk about them.' he says while rubbing the back of his neck.

Mem-cho's eyes widen slightly and she frowns. 'Is it a sensible topic?' she asks feeling slightly guilty. Yuki also stops smiling making Shun feel awkward.

'Eh, no! No!' he says frantically before pointing at Aqua. 'He is my type but then if he was a girl!' he blurts out trying to change the topic and not actually thinking it through at all.

Aqua's eyes widened and so did Shun's. Both of them stare at each other unknown of what to say. The silence was loud, Shun thought that he was done for.

Mem-cho beams. 'Oh! I know an actress who's just like that!' she says excited making Yuki nod as excited. Mem-cho gets out her phone again and begins to type something. 'Here!' she shows the picture to Shun who didn't look at the photo at all.

'Show me!' Yuki says with a smile. Shun deadpans at their cluelessness but was relieved either way. Bad news is that he could feel Aqua's chilling stare on him.

'Kill me now.'


Ugh my babies don't even realise....

Thank you for reading!

If there are any spelling mistakes please say so!

Season 1 Episode 7 2/2


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