Chapter Seventeen

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Whatever Aqua did worked. The mangaka and the scriptwriter got into some kind of agreement and they worked together on a new script. Honestly, this script was way better than the other one, at least that's what Shun thought.

'Well, that's not very good.' Kana says rudely, looking at Aqua's performance with a grimace.

'Don't be so rude. He'll get it eventually...' Shun scolds and Kana rolls her eyes. But not even he can deny the fact that his performance right now isn't very good.

'Cut.' the director speaks making both Aqua and Akane stop acting. The male sighs irritated. 'Aqua, this scene is supposed to be your highlight. Do it more seriously.'

Shun scoffs with a shake of his head. 'Why are you talking to him like this? He's doing his best.'

'I'm sorry.' Aqua mumbles.

'It's the climax. Princess Saya was greatly injured and collapsed during the battle, and Touki was in despair.' the older man explains. 'What kind of feelings do you think Touki had when he saw Princess Saya miraculously opening her eyes?'

Aqua looks away from the man before answering. 'He was freed from anxiety, thrilled and full of hope, I guess?'

'That's right. Undoubtedly, your acting is exactly like the original manga, a play, you can't convince the audience unless you express your emotions strongly.'

'This scene requires some emotional acting, so bring out more emotions!' the director demands to a now sour-looking Aqua.

'Now, now, this is your first stage play. It's normal to lose your footing...' Akane tells the blonde boy with a gentle look. Shun glances at Kana when seeing her stand up and walk over to them. 'Just try to keep up and you'll be fine-..'

'Don't spoil him.' Kana interrupts her as Shun settles himself next to her.

'Kana...' Shun gives her a small glare as a warning.

The girl shrugs. 'Aqua, you haven't done emotional acting before, right?' she asks and the boy shakes his head. 'Acting gives away your personality. Since you normally don't show emotion, we can't feel any emotion in your acting either.'

'You're just trying to reenact some samples...that you saw somewhere. That's your nature, Aqua.' Kana explains making Shun look at her weirdly.

Akane gives her an annoyed look. 'You sound like you understand him through and through.'

Suddenly Kana starts to beam with light. 'Of course I do. Among all the people here, I've known him the longest. In fact, we've known each other since we were little.' she states proudly. 'We're like childhood friends. Our relationship isn't for business purposes like the one he had recently with some random girl.'

'We just met again recently.' Aqua says unsurprised as Akane begins to sulk about the fact that Kana knows him longer than her.

'Well, Aqua I think you're doing well.' Shun says with a small smile as he points at the boy. 'You're gonna do great, I just know it. I believe in you.'

Akane smiles knowingly as she elbows the unmoving boy on his side. 'You hear that? Even Shun agrees with me.'

'Shun..-' Aqua starts before pausing and shaking his head. 'How do you two cry in plays or movies?'

Kana's eyes fill with joy at the question and she didn't hesitate to answer. 'Hmm, There are different methods like crying emotionally or physically.' she says with a knowing finger before stepping closer to the boy and whispering something in his ear. 'But what they often do with actors is...'

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