
I stared out the window as we drove away. My trip to White Claw was enlightening. Shane may not be my mate but he had become someone I could consider an ally. I knew I could rely on him and Ophelia. And obviously he felt the same, since he allowed us to look after his sister.

I was glad Cady was making the trip with us. She definitely made things more lively! Drew was pretty fun too, but he was always assessing everything for danger, even while we were driving. He took Cady’s safety extremely seriously and I couldn’t help but notice the soft, longing glances he would give her.

"Oh! I love this song!" Cady reached from the back seat to turn up the volume. She turned it practically all the way up. I had to give her props though, Highway to Hell was an awesome song. We were all jamming out when I started to feel uneasy. Ava was sitting in the backseat diagonal to me and must have noticed the shift.

"I've seen that look.” She said accusingly, “The last time I saw it was the day all the alphas came to Tony's territory." That day seemed so far away now. It hadn’t been that long ago, but so much had happened. I didn’t even feel like I was the same person. I wasn’t sure when I had changed, but I knew I wasn’t that same scared little girl.

I looked at Ava. "I don't know what it is, but I just feel a pit in my stomach."

Will asked, "Should I pull over? Maybe we shouldn't go to Blood Moon."

Something was coming. I could feel it in every bone in my body. It could be the coven, or Damon, or maybe something else. But I knew I wasn’t that girl anymore. I couldn’t run this time. I had to face whatever it was head on.

I shook my head, "We have to go. I have to meet him."

Then Ava said, "Are you sure? Your instincts are usually pretty spot on."

"That’s why I know we have to go.”

Nobody responded. Everyone was silent and very much on edge for the rest of the drive. The anxiety in the car rose to an all time high as we pulled up to Blood Moon’s border. There was a large wooden fence around the whole thing with barbed wire at the top of it. I looked as it went as far around their land as I could see. My brow unintentionally furrowed.

Then, I turned to Cady and Drew and said, "Is this to keep someone out, or someone in?"

Cady shrugged, 'I've never been here. I've only met Damon and his closest guards when they've visited."

Drew added, "I go where Cady goes.”

"What did you think of Damon?" This was probably a question I should have asked sooner than when we were arriving at the gate to his pack, but for some reason it didn’t seem pertinent before. I guess part of me knew that it didn’t matter. At the end of the day I had to do this. I had to come here for this prophecy. I had to know without a shadow of a doubt he was not my mate. But now as our car stalled before the entrance I was a bit worried about the man behind these large barriers.

"He has always been well mannered and cordial, nothing but a gentleman with me." Cady said as she too, eyed the strange fencing.

Drew was silent.

I gave him a questioning stare.

He sighed, “He seems ok. Kind of cocky, but like he's hiding something. His father was the most egotistical alpha I've ever met though. But they've always been a great ally. They always come when we need them.”

Before I could respond a tall guard came up to the driver's side and looked in at us, kind of like when you get pulled over by a cop. I half expected him to ask us for license and registration. Instead, he said nothing. He just examined each one of us. Then nodded at his buddy to open the gate, as it opened he waved us inside.

Her Prophecy: Not His LunaWhere stories live. Discover now