There aren't words to describe just how difficult the next morning was. We woke up at dawn and had a quiet breakfast. My parents had joined us, and while the tension between us wasn’t as bad it was still present. I had only seen them once since they told me of how they really found me. I was hurt that they lied to me for so many years. I was having trouble forgiving them, but when I looked at them I still saw the people who raised me. I don’t know if I would ever truly be able to cut them out of my life.

We walked out of the front door to the pack house and onto the porch. My father was carrying my suitcase and my mother looked apprehensive, but they also looked more alive than I had ever seen them. I'm not sure if that had to do with Erik being gone or the start of a new legacy with Rachel and Sean or something totally different, but it was a good look on them.

A strand of my mother's black hair fell from her messy bun as she finally spoke, "I know you don't owe us this, but if you could call once in a while…" She choked back the tears. I turned to her and smiled. Then I gave her the biggest hug of my entire life.

"You will always be my mother." She sobbed at my words and I felt my father's protective arms around me from the back. He laid his head atop mine.

With his deep western accent he said, "You have made us so proud." I felt a stray tear rolling down my cheek and nuzzled further into my mother. We broke up a minute or so later. Each of us wiping away the fallen tears. Then we walked to the car.

My father was putting my suitcase into the trunk as I turned around to see Rachel teary eyed at the bottom of the porch. I ran and gave her the biggest hug I could muster. It wasn't long before I felt small arms wrap around us, followed by two very large ones that enveloped all three of us. Will, Ava, Rachel and myself stood like that for some time before we pulled apart. We all rubbed our eyes pushing away any tears.

Sean was the first to break the silence as he wrapped his large arm around Rachel's shoulders. "Not that this has to be said, but you are all welcome here whenever and for however long."

I gave him a small smile and a nod. He was a good guy. I didn't get the chance to know him while I was living here, but I could tell by the way he treated my friend.

Will looked at him and said, "You wouldn't have a choice anyway. "

I rolled my eyes. "Now we know why we never have any heartfelt moments. "

He just shrugged.

Then he walked over to Sean and held out his hand. Sean took it and Will pulled him in for a hug. "I'm glad you turned out to be her mate. I trust that you will keep her safe."

They pulled apart and Sean looked taken aback. Then he gave the proudest smile and nodded at him. Sean stepped next to Rachel as we said our final goodbye and started to walk away. I turned back to see Sean kiss her on the forehead and hold her tight. That same longing I felt yesterday came crashing back. And I knew I was making the right decision to find my mate.

We reached the car and just as we were about to get in, Will yelled back, "Oh yeah one last thing, good luck Sean! You got yourself a handful there." He chuckled and all I saw was Rachel scrunch her face at him in frustration. Then, we got in our car and drove away. None of us said a word. We could all feel it. Things were different.


We were in the car for what felt like weeks, but in reality was just under a day. We took turns driving and only stopped for food and toilet breaks. I looked around and knew we had gotten close to Black Tooth. We were surrounded by mountains, and they were stunningly picturesque. I definitely didn't think I'd mind living here, everything about it seemed peaceful and almost magical.

Her Prophecy: Not His LunaWhere stories live. Discover now