
Shadow's great aunt seemed nice, but I got a horrible feeling from her. Then Ava explained what happened when she pulled her into the other room. I was furious. I wanted to march back in there and kick her ass. Ava stopped me though. Lorelai was hiding something and it had to do with Ava's family. Plus, witches could be unpredictable, no matter who they were related to. I toyed with telling Shadow, but he seemed to truly trust her and I wasn't sure I wanted to burst his bubble. I also wasn't sure how much I could truly trust him yet.

The next few days we didn't see Lorelai and it was much nicer. I got to spend some time with Shadow's pack. They were all so close knit, a true community where everyone helps one another. I loved feeling like I was a part of it. They all welcomed me with open arms and it made me wonder how different life would have been if I had grown up in this pack rather than Moon Stone.

I walked down the stairs, into the kitchen, to find Shadow making a pot of coffee. He wasn't in his usual biker outfit, instead he wore a pair of denim jeans, work boots, and a blue flannel that matched his eyes. He was sporting his usual five o'clock shadow and his face lit up when he saw me.

"I'm glad it's you. I wanted to talk."

I smiled. "Oh yeah? What about?" He handed me the cup of coffee he poured and poured another for himself.

"I was hoping you would go for a hike with me. There is this one spot you have yet to see."

I raised my brows and smiled with my eyes, "That sounds incredible."

We began to hear footsteps in the hallway above us. So Shadow stepped close and whispered, "I've been dying to spend some alone time with you." My heart immediately fluttered. I bit my bottom lip and he gave a light growl that made my body shiver.

The footsteps got closer and I took a step away from Shadow as I heard Will's deep voice. "What's for breakfast?"

I looked at Shadow with a sheepish smile, but he didn't seem to notice or care that Will was entering the kitchen, his smoldering eyes were trying to look into my soul. Today was going to be an interesting day if this was how it was starting.

All throughout breakfast Ava kept giving me knowing looks and Will kept making stupid comments, but I didn't care. I could feel Shadow's eyes all over me. It was as if he were actually touching me. It was so hard to concentrate on anything else. I looked at him and I was right, he was looking right back, his eyes blazing with unspoken passion. It was as if I were the only person here. I felt my heart rate quicken and a pulsing in my underwear. His eyes flashed between wolf and man. It was as if he knew exactly how I was feeling.

When we finished eating, I was the first one up, "I'll be right back. I have to get dressed."

Ava gave me her infamous smirk, "For your hike?" She winked at me and my mouth fell slightly ajar. How did she always know? I gave her a smirk and ran up the stairs.

I quickly changed into some comfy jeans, a white long sleeve shirt and a forest green puffer vest. I threw on some wool socks and my own boots. As I was lacing them up I began to think of Shadow, of what my life would be like with him. He would make a near perfect mate. He was so kind and open minded. He was dominant, without rubbing it in your face. His pack respected him. And he respected every one of them right down to the omegas. It would be an easy life here, a calm life. I did feel such a pull to him, not to mention he was easy on the eyes. He made me excited to see him every single day. I mean what else could I ask for?

I walked down the steps and it was almost as if he knew it was me. I guess he could smell me. He looked me up and down and it felt as if I were in lingerie the way his face changed. I immediately puffed out my chest at the thought and his eyes followed the motion.

Then he came closer and grabbed my hand as he whispered, "You are the most gorgeous creature I have ever come across." My lower lip jutted out and I could feel my panties getting wet. Then he walked us out the back door toward the mountains.

The hike was amazing. The crisp air entered my nostrils and made me feel alive. I didn't have any trouble, but it didn't stop Shadow from touching me any chance he could. Grabbing my hand to direct me, or holding my waist at a difficult part. And every time he touched me I got a little more excited.

We finally made it to the spot he wanted to show me. And it was worth the climb. It overlooked the whole forest with a lake view in the back. He laid out a picnic blanket then pulled out two sandwiches, some strawberries and two waters. He sat and patted the seat next to him. I sat there next to him as he handed me a sandwich.

We ate in silence just enjoying the view. When we finished the sandwiches he handed me a strawberry and I said, "Will it always be like this?" I turned to him and noticed he was staring at me again. He smiled at me and I couldn't help the blush that rose up to my cheeks. "Will it always be this easy?"

His voice was soft, just above a whisper, and raspy "I think so."

Then he moved closer to me. I felt my heart rate quicken as I moved closer to him as well, everything in me wanting to be as close to him as possible. Finally as if growing impatient he grabbed my face and pulled it to his. We locked lips and the sweetest sensation grew inside me. He caressed my mouth with his tongue as his hand gripped my waist. I let out a small moan and that was all it took. He lifted me up and placed me on his lap. I straddled him all while our mouths never parted. His hands played at my waist for a moment. I could feel he wanted more. He unzipped my vest and ripped it off of me. I lifted my shirt up over my head wanting to feel his hands everywhere. His kisses got more impatient as his hand traveled up my torso. He started to caress my breast over my bra, as I felt his other hand on my back.

He tore the back strap of my bra in half. As the remainder of my bra fell to the ground his eyes widened and I watched as they started to glow. It really turned me on. He let out a small growl which made me want more. I started to  grind my hips on him and he took my breast in his mouth, sucking on my nipple and giving it tiny love bites. That wasn't enough, I grinded myself on him harder, I needed to feel him. He gripped my waist and threw me on my back. He got on top of me and proceeded to grind his very hard erection into my sensitive area as he continued onto my other breast. I was panting, needing more, needing him. I grabbed his face as he reached for the button on my jeans. I kissed him so hard I knew he could taste how badly I wanted him.

Just as he was unzipping my pants, though, we heard a high pitched siren, followed by loud howls in the distance. Something was wrong. I knew it by the type of howl. I looked at Shadow and he looked torn. I could see his wolf wanting to take me right here on this mountain, but we both knew he had to respond to whatever was happening. I grabbed his hand and brought it to my mouth, kissing it gently. Then I zipped and buttoned my pants.

He stood and howled back. Then he looked at me. I said, "Go. Shift. I'll clean up and meet you." He didn't want to leave me alone, but we didn't have another choice.

"Leave everything. Shift and come with me." I could see there was no way he would leave me here and my heart pounded at his protectiveness. I did as he said and shifted. He stripped and did the same. I was admiring his body when I noticed his tattoos. There was one purple flower. It looked like a wolfsbane. I assumed it was symbolic for the strife his pack was put through.

We ran all the way back. We were much faster in wolf form so we got back in half the time. We were greeted by his Beta, Paul. We shifted and Paul averted his eyes while I dressed.

As Paul's eyes were on the floor he said, "It was a vampire."

Her Prophecy: Not His LunaWhere stories live. Discover now