
"Vampires?" Paul nodded. His face would look stoic to anyone else, but he was my beta. My second in command. I knew him better than anyone. And I could see the fear in his eyes. My heart rate had not settled. "What were they doing here?"

Paul responded, "We aren't sure sir. It was just one male. The guards at the west border spotted him. They tried to grab him, but he evaded and just kept running. He was headed south east it seems. I told the guards not to go after him, but I put extra security out there."

"Good thinking Paul. It could have been a trap. Make sure there's enough wolves on all sides. Vamps are sneaky. He might try and re-enter from somewhere else while everyone is on one side. I want every available guard we have out there right now."

"Yes sir." Then he left to carry out my orders. I watched him leave thinking about all the possible outcomes. It was just one vampire. I was sure we could take him, but I didn’t want to risk losing anyone.

I turned around to face Lily who was watching me carefully. Her blue eyes felt like they were burning a hole in me. I looked at the beautiful features of her face. That face that captivated me every time I looked at her. I chanced a glance at her beautiful heart shaped lips and they parted as my eyes met them, almost as if she had done it for me. At that moment I went instantly hard.

She smiled proudly at me, "You are a terrific alpha."

That compliment didn’t seem like much, but it was enough. I reached her in two long strides. Then I grabbed her face and pulled it toward my own. She instantly let her body fall to mine. It was as if she were the metal and I was the magnet. Her arms slid up my back and I felt her nails softly scratching me. My body was on fire and all I wanted was to let her consume me. But I knew that wasn’t in the cards for me. No, not today. Today, I had to be an alpha.

I slowly pulled my face from hers, but then touched my forehead to hers. My eyes shut as I said, "I wish I didn't have to leave, but I must go help at the border."

She nodded and I turned to walk away.

As I was nearing the door she said, “Can I help?"

My initial instinct was to have her lock herself away with a guard outside her door, but she was an alpha too. And I couldn't be the guy who treated her like a fragile doll. But I also wouldn’t put her at the front lines.

So, I said, "Please keep the families safe."

She smiled at me, "I'll find Will and Ava to help me."

Then I walked through the door and toward the west border to see what I could find out. My anxiety was rising immensely. I had to protect my pack, my territory, the coven, and Lily. She was mine. I knew it. She had to be mine.

I linked Paul as I headed toward the West border, "Don't forget to notify my Aunt and the coven."

Paul responded quickly, "I have notified the coven. They have put a protective barrier up. As for your aunt, she is nowhere to be found. Jasmine told me she left a couple days ago. She wouldn't say where she was going." I cut off the link.

Jasmine was my aunt’s oldest friend. It was odd that my aunt had left without speaking to me or her. She of course was under no obligation to tell me everything, but it worried me to think she was out there by herself. If she were pack she would have to tell me or Paul before she left, but one of the biggest reasons our alliance works is because we don’t make the coven adhere to all of the pack rules. But because she is my aunt she usually gives me the courtesy of letting me know when and where she is going.

Unfortunately I didn’t have time to dwell on her whereabouts. I reached the border and continued to circle around making sure all of my guards were prepared and ready if the vampire came back. I had never met one before, but the stories I had heard were gruesome. My father compared vampires to junkies; once they got a bite, they couldn't stop. They would drain a human, a witch, or a wolf without batting an eye. He told me of the first vampire: wolves came first, being made by the moon goddess along with witches. Vampires were made by witches: dark magic witches.

Her Prophecy: Not His LunaWhere stories live. Discover now