Chapter 22

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Rain pounds against the top of my black umbrella, growing louder and harder by the moment

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Rain pounds against the top of my black umbrella, growing louder and harder by the moment. I hardly notice it, though, too consumed in my own head.

I can feel my phone buzzing against the top of my thigh, but I ignore it. I'm sat on a familiar brown bench, the one where Matteo led me to a couple weeks ago, where we officially became friendly towards each other. It's a lovely spot, and I hope he's not too bugged about me temporarily stealing it.

I've always had a habit, one my father grew quite frustrated with, where I'd sort of just "run away" from my home and sit out in the nature for long periods of times, just alone in my thoughts. I haven't done it in a while, not since coming here.

But I miss doing it. It gives a chance to just...reflect. Drown myself in all my suffocating thoughts.

For instance, the one peculiar thought which has been increasingly overwhelming me the last few days; my father.

I've never had a close relationship with him, but in the last year, that feeling of disliking has transformed into pure hatred. And yet, I can't help but be disappointed that he isn't letting me back home for break.

I let out a shaky breath, trying to keep my eyes dry as they well up.

"You keeping this spot all to yourself or do you mind if I sit here?"

I jump, startled out of my thoughts. "Oh." I turn my head, but only for a split second before lowering my head so they can't see me. "No, go ahead."

"Thanks." There's a hint of friendliness in their voice.

"What are you doing out here all by yourself in the rain?"

When I know my eyes are fully dry, I turn my head and find that it is a girl speaking to me. Someone in my year, by the looks of it. Actually, she looks really familiar.

"Nothing. What are you doing out here?"

Her smile widens. "Probably the same as you." She tilts her head as she looks down at me, chewing a piece of gum in her mouth. "Hey, you're that new girl aren't you? Well, I guess not new anymore. You've been here for some weeks now, huh?"

"Um," I give her a shy smile, "yeah. Cecilia."

"Cool!" She grins, plopping down next to me, seemingly unbothered by the rain completely soaking her. "I'm Auriela." She tells me.

"Right! You're the one that..."

"That Grayson's obsessed with?" She rolls her eyes, her smile dropping to a scowl for a split second before she recovers. "Yep."

I look at her sheepishly. "Yeah. The girl Grayson is weirdly obsessed with. How'd that start, by the way?"

"Oh god." She lets out a deep groan. "I honestly don't even know. What I do know, though, is that he's the most annoying and insufferable man on the planet and he won't just leave me alone."

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