Chapter 13

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اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

"Mhm." I watch Cecilia hum, her eyes barely open as Luca continues to blabber in her ear.

Gender inequality. That's the topic she chose. Emphasis on the 'she' considering she didn't even ask, she just simply told me we are doing that.

Three books were strewn around her, one open with a bookmark resting on it as she chatted away with Luca.

All morning she's been giving me the silent treatment. For what reason? I honestly don't even know. I don't even care, really, I just want to get this stupid project done and over with. But she won't even talk to me long enough to work on it.

"Then, guess what he told me?" Luca asks her.

"Hm?" She hums half-heartedly. How does he not see how completely uninterested and bored she is?

He says something, and she opens her mouth in shock and gasps, but it looks like a fake reaction.

"Cecilia." I call impatiently, interrupting their little gossip session.

She shakes away her tired look and sits up, sending me a glare. I roll my eyes at it, does she think her glare is intimidating or something?


"Do you plan on helping me with this or are you just going to sit there talking to Luca?" I ask, voice laced with irritation.

Luca sends me a disapproving glare at my tone but I ignore it.

She glares at me with a frown and roughly drags the book closer to her. I try and hide my amused smirk, but eventually fail because she glares harder.

She kind of looks like an angry little bunny rabbit...

"Luca switch with me." I order, turning and narrowing my eyes at him.

He looks at me in confusion. "Why-?"

"Because your partners over here and my partners over there." I say agitatedly, looking at him impatiently.

He sends me a skeptical look but begrudgingly moves anyways, sitting in my previous seat which was by Alex, while I sit in his seat next to Cecilia.

The second he sits down, Luca launches into a verbal war with Alex, and I take the opportunity to talk to Cecilia.

I openly stare at the side of her face as she looks down at the book, refusing to look up at me. "You're ignoring me." It wasn't a question.

She says nothing. I know she's not actually reading, because she's been staring at the same page for the past seven minutes.

"Come on." I coax, bringing myself closer to her face.

She says nothing, but a bright blush casts across her face. So she's at least paying attention.

"What did I do?" I ask innocently.

Her head finally snaps up to me to look at me incredulously.

"What?" I ask.

"Did you seriously just ask that?"

"Yeah...?" I say slowly.

She looks at me in disbelief and it just further fuels my confusion.

"Do you just not remember last night?" She asks disbelieving.

"What happened last night?" A voice cuts in.

We both turn to look at Gray leaning across the table to look at us in interest.

Cecilia huffs. "Nothing."

"What's nothing?" Now Luca is in our business apparently.

"Matteo was being mean that's what!" She snaps, and everyone turns to look at me.

"Im being mean?" I snicker, and that doesn't help considering now it's not only her sending me dirty looks, but Gray and Luca too.

Are they her designated defenders or something? God.

"What'd he do?" Luca questions.

"He tricked me!" She points at me.

"I tricked you?" I look at her funny.

"Yes! I thought he was being nice when he offered to walk with me but then he just started interrogating me and pressing on things that he has no right to ask about."

I frown as I look at her in confusion. "I didn't trick you?"

"Then why did you lead me all the way out there, have me think we were actually getting along, and then just start asking me all these questions about why I'm here?"

"I forced myself with you because I wanted to."

"Then why did you start asking questions." She frowns.

"Because I'm curious about you. " I shrug. "And I already said last night, if my entire plan was to corner you and interrogate you I wouldn't have waited an entire long ass walk." I roll my eyes.

"Wait I'm confused," Gray pipes in. "When did you guys go for a walk last night."

"In the middle of the night." I answer. "While you guys were asleep. She couldn't sleep."

"So-" shut the fuck up Alex "-you decided to take her out for the walk in the freezing cold when you hate the cold, as well as being out at night?"

"That's kind of sweet, Teo." Luca smiles softly.

"I agree." Alex looks at me tauntingly as he says this. "How sweet."

I send him a deadly glare that tells him to shut the fuck up. He doesn't listen, of course, and continues to wear this shit-eating grin like something is just so incredibly funny.

Little fucker...

"You know what- let's just get back to the project, yeah?" We all turn to look at Cecilia.

"Good with me." I shrug. "As long as you actually talk to me to work on it instead of pouting like a child just because you're mad I asked you a few questions." I snark.

She stares at me with an open mouth mouth. "I'm not pouting like a child."

"Really? You look like one right now." I roll my eyes, feeling myself grow agitated.

She opens and closes her mouth a few times, resembling a fish as no words come out. Then, she just resigns to staring at me with a sad look in her eyes that actually has me feeling slightly bad.

I close my eyes and sigh, turning my head up to the ceiling. "Fine. You're not a child. Can we please just get some work done." I plead.

"Whatever." She says, plopping back down in her seat with a fucking pout on her lips.

For the rest of the evening, she sits in that spot, silently fuming. So I guess the little spiel wasn't worth it considering she still refuses to talk to me.

I'll get her to.

A/n: so sorry for taking forever on this one🙏

Ceciliaحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن