Chapter 21

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"Now who can remind us what the fundamental theorem is?"

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"Now who can remind us what the fundamental theorem is?"

A blonde kid a few rows in front of me shoots his hand in the air and blurts an answer I don't pay attention to. I'm too busy stifling groans of pain to actually understand a single word being said by our calculus teacher.

Hunched over in my seat with a hand pressed to my stomach, I try my best to ignore the sharp pain stabbing into my abdomen.

From a seat over, Matteo casts me a concerned glance. "You alright there, Cecilia?"

I grind my teeth together and force a nod. "Perfect."

His eyes linger on me before finally turning back to the front of the room.

After what feels like hours, the bell finally rings and I don't waste a second before I'm standing up and shoving things into my backpack. Matteo's right behind me as sprint out the door and down the hallway, calling my name.

"Cecilia!" He shouts, making me reluctantly slow to a stop to turn to him.


"What's up with you?" His eyebrows pinch together, eyes scanning me up and down.

I shuffle on my feet. "Nothing."



"Bullshit. Something's clearly up with you." His eyes trail down to where my arm is wrapped around my midsection. "You're hurt?"

I quickly shake my head. "No- well, yes, but no."

He tilts his head.

"I'm just...having stomach pain..."

"Oh." He frowns, eyes flickering. "Did you eat something bad?"

"No." I say, shaking my head slowly. "Not that type of stomach ache."

"Oh. Oh." Grimacing, realization dawns on his face. "That."

Feeling a flush of discomfort on my face,
I nod sheepishly. "Yep."

"Do you..." now it's his turn to look uncomfortable. Clearing his throat he starts over. "Do you need anything?"

"Um...actually," I start, eyes flickering to my feet then back to his eyes. "Could you tell Ms. Laney I'm not feeling well so I won't be in class?"

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