The final Act: Prophecy, Part 2

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Continuing from the last chapter,

"Holy Hades you actually made it." Nico said, still perched upon his rock. He was doing something so surprising even Percy had to step back in shock. 

"Are you...filing your nails with Cerberus's teeth?" 


Percy looked up at the giant three headed guardian of the Underworld, who was simply wagging his tails with tongues lolling from all three heads. Try as he might, Percy couldn't help but recall the first time he had seen the humongous creature, all those years ago. In the future, Percy had managed to live up to his promise, taking Leo's help to create an indestructible chew toy for the big friendly giant. 

"I'm going to miss him." Percy smiled sadly. "He's adorable." Nico raised an eyebrow at Percy's statement, but didn't comment. Nico sighed, changing the topic of conversation. 

"Well, now that you're back, we've got to go." Nico ordered, jumping off his rock. Cerberus whined sadly. "We don't have much time, and I can only mask our presence for so long."

"I know." Percy said. "Which is why I won't have you do it any longer." Nico looked at him, confused. 

"What in my father's name are you on about Kelp Head?" Nico inquired. 

"Simple, I want you to go back up and do something for me." Percy said. "I just have to get up the hill and jump into the massive pit. I can manage my way from here."

"The Furies will be onto you in minutes." Nico shook his head. "I can still hide us up till you jump in-"

"No." Percy stopped him. "You don't need to do that. But rather, I have something else you can do."

"And what is that?" Nico asked. He had doubts about what Percy was going to do over here, but for now he decided to follow his orders. As a wise man once said...Let him cook.

"The Prophecy line, "Bonds of enemies and family are yet to mend"." Percy said. Nico's eyes widened in shock. "Yep, it is exactly what you think it means. An alliance."

"But with who?" Nico asked. 

"Someone's who's family, and someone's who's been an enemy before." Percy said. "I've been acting behind the scenes. That is mostly why I've delayed the attack on Ilvermorny and Hogwarts. Because you and I both know, without the spells and information they had in the future, we could take them without problem."

"That is true." Nico nodded. "And I had doubts. But I figured you were just being cautious."

"Not really." Percy said. "I expected it to go down to a warlike situation soon enough, and I made preparations after getting the Prophecy."

"With who?" Nico asked again. "You can't seriously tell me you want us to work with Kronos."

"Oh Hades no!" Percy cried out, staring at Nico like he sprouted a second head. "I would rather die."

"Then who else?" Nico asked. Percy smirked. 

"The House of Poseidon." Percy simply replied. "All the people connected to it, who went bad."

"So...Chrysoar?" Nico asked. 

"And Sciron the Bandit." Percy added. 

"Jason will stab you." Nico told him. Percy waved it off. 

"Antaeus too."

"You son of Medusa." Nico cursed. "You really brought the cannibal?"

"Enemies and family, Nico." Percy simply replied. Nico sighed, rubbing his forehead. 

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