Rewriting the Past, Part 4.

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Continuing from the last chapter, 

"Give me the Final Great Prophecy, Oracle," Perseus said as everyone gasped in shock. Percy wanted to ask what he meant by the "final" one, but he never got the chance to. Green smoke cascaded from the heavens around them, as the sky seemed to open up. 

The stars were in clear view for the first time, and their glow graced the armor of Perseus. The Oracle slowly seemed to travel backward in time, until a young maiden with glowing eyes stood where the mummified remains had been. A python of mist curled itself around her feet, and a lyre of gold and smoke appeared in her arms. 

A journey through eternal darkness you must tend, 

To seek what is found at time's glorious end, 

Bonds of enemies and family are yet to mend, 

And you shall be betrayed by one who calls you a friend. 

The final choice is to fail or be replaced, 

The destiny of Olympus is to be razed not saved. 

The stars slowly dimmed away, as the Oracle crumpled into ash, its green glow vanishing into the sky forever. A golden glow erupted across the camp as Apollo crashed where the Oracle had been, Perseus and Nicolas were long gone. 

"All demigods reach Olympus." Apollo's voice boomed, the humor and cheer absolutely gone from his face. "Prepare, for the end of Olympus and the world as you know it." 

At Olympus, a few hours later, 

"Why would the Oracle vanish?" Athena wondered. "And that prophecy, it was different from the original Great Prophecy. Why did it change now?" 

"And, does that mean the original Great Prophecy does not apply anymore?" Zeus asked. "So our vow does not have to be binding anymore?" 

"Even when our fate has been spelled out, you think of cheating on me." Hera rolled her eyes. "Why did I ever marry you?" 

"We can talk about it later." Poseidon rolled his eyes. "What matters now is for us to be at full strength for the coming conflict." 

"We need to start fortifying Olympus," Athena said. "And we need all Olympians to be there." 

"Which means, we need Moony back," Ares said. "I say a quest should do it." 

"Indeed," Hephaestus added. 

"But how?" Aphrodite asked. "There's no Oracle anymore." 

"And Apollo doesn't seem like he's in shape to give one," Dionysus said, pointing to the broken Sun god, who hadn't looked up from staring at his bow. 

"Well, what do we know of Artemis' last whereabouts?" Zeus asked. 

"All she told me was that she would be heading Westward," Athena said. Zeus nodded. 

"Very well. I hereby initiate the quest to rescue Artemis." Zeus said. 

"Father, the quest to rescue Artemis is essential to the survival of Olympus," Athena said. 

"I believe 3 candidates won't do the job," Hermes added. "We'll need more this time." 

"What should we do?" Zeus asked. 

"Send the best and the strongest we have while we start working on getting the others war-ready," Ares said. 

"I hate to say it, but I agree with this pig," Athena added. "6 candidates should do it." 

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