Aftermath and Second Task.

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After Percy and Annabeth Vanished, 

"Has anyone seen Cho?" Harry asked, scanning the Great Hall for any sign of her. Percy was originally supposed to dance with her, but he had instead brought in the mystery girl, Annabeth. Harry was certain she wasn't part of any other schools, which means that Percy had managed to bring an outsider into Hogwarts. But how? Hogwarts had strong wards around it, making it impossible to apparate within its walls. Not only that, Dumbledore would also be notified should there be any intrusion. However, he seemed just as surprised as everyone else was. 

Harry shook his head, rushing out of the Hall in search of Cho. Perhaps if he found her, he would have his answer. He stopped outside the door, and found himself face to face with one of Percy's friends, the guy with blond hair and blue eyes, Jason, if he recalled correctly. 

"Not enjoying the dance, Potter?" He asked, not turning to him.

"I could say the same for you." Harry replied. "What are you doing here?"

"Reminiscing." Jason answered. "Unlike Jackson, I can't bring the one I love for this dance, as much as I want to." 

"And ruin centuries of tradition like he just did?" Harry argued. "The judges aren't too happy about that." Jason chuckled. 

"While I may not have his boldness, neither of us cares much for the judges." Jason answered, finally turning to look at him. "You may think that Dumbledore is the strongest around here, but you haven't seen real power at all. I would run while I have the chance, Potter, but I guess you're a special case. Percy's going to scour the ends of the Earth to find you if you do, and you'll never escape him. Not anymore." 

Harry stared at him, confused. 

"What in Merlin's name are you on about?" Harry asked him. "If Percy was that big of a deal, wouldn't Dumbledore have already done something?" 

"Perhaps." Jason shrugged. "But that man has been long dead for us anyways. All he will ever amount to is a memory, nothing else." He turned and walked away, vanishing into the corridors almost as abruptly as he had appeared. 

"They're a fascinating thing, memories." Jason's voice was carried by the winds as it reached Harry. "I wonder what memories Cho is experiencing right now." 

Jason watched Harry run away, rushing as fast as his wizard legs would carry him. 

"You shouldn't have told him that." Nico said, appearing next to him, a drink in both his hands. He handed one over to Jason, and sighed. "Lou's torture method is pretty effective, and it won't leave any physical marks either. If only we could start the fight already." 

"I suppose your desire to play along with being Malfoy's ally has come to an end?" Jason asked him, taking a sip of champagne. Nico nodded. 

"It has." He answered. "After taking down Talos, I realized that while we may not be 100%, we are still strong enough to wipe out all the wizards. We could do it in a night and they can't even defend against us. I don't see why Percy insists on stretching this out." 

"It probably has something to do with the power flux." Jason answered. "Should our powers stop working in the middle of a fight, we'll probably end up being weaker than the wizards we're trying to fight. At that point, any one of us is easy pickings. And if they get to know about our kind..."

"It'll be a replay of everything that happened it the future." Nico completed for him. "Which is why Percy recommended going undercover, because now they think we're like them."

"Percy's given this a lot of thought." Jason acknowledged. "I say it's better we just do what he says. I trust his judgement." 

"Perhaps." Jason raised an eyebrow, but didn't comment. His mind was already moving on to the next stage of their plans, the second Task for the Triwizard Tournament. 

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