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I turned around startled to see the one man. I didn't want to see.

My father.

"Sorry I didn't mean to startle you." I looked at him and he had a case of beers in his hand. I was shaking on the inside but I tried my hardest to keep my exterior cool because I was with Zoë and I don't want her to know anything.

"Why are you here?" I asked him meekly.

"It's target Collette. I can be here." I could tell he's been drinking a not massive amounts but it's still there.

"Yes but why here? I thought you were leaving?"

"Signing your parental rights away to a man you thought was your best friend isn't exactly thrilling. I needed a pick me up." He deadpanned.

"You weren't a very good parent."

"You don't think I know that?" He raised his voice a little, not much but enough for me to jump. "But I thought you'd understand, you've always been so understanding." He said softer.

"I'm sorry." I said meekly. I'm not sure why I'm sorry but I know I needed to say it.

"You're always sorry. I'm not your dad anymore. Don't say you're sorry to me." He scoffed.

"Hi Mr Hollis." I heard Zoë say as she walked up to us.

"Zoë, how are you?" He said cheerfully. It's like a switch flipped  in him.

He was suddenly so gentle and sweet, like he wasn't just raising his voice. That scared me more.

How much pretending could he do?

"I've been good and yourself?" She asked him placing more cookie dough into the basket still holding a bouquet of flowers.

"I've been doing well. Those are pretty flowers."

"Thanks, we're getting some for our girlfriends. It's almost Valentine's Day and all." Zoë said.

"That's wonderful. You know I'm still waiting to meet the lovely woman who makes Letty so happy." He said with a warm smile as he turned to me.

To me there was nothing warm about it. I was shaking in my skin. This is the same man who was telling me I took the easy way out by loving a woman because I couldn't handle how a 'real man' loved.

I felt tears rise in my eyes.

"I'm sure the right moment will come. We should go though, before they start calling frantically." Zoë held onto my hand and squeezed it a little. I know she noticed the tears.

"I'll let you girls be. I'll see you for dinner Letty." He said and I nodded not saying a word before he walked away.

A tear ran down my cheek and Zoë took me into her arms placing the bouquet down.

"It's okay coco. Shh." She soothed me as I tried quietly into her shoulder.

"Let's get you to Val." She took my hand as we went to the check out.

I dried my tears rapidly as we paid at self checkout.

Zoë took my keys and drove us to Vals place.

"I need to call Colton." I said pulling my phone out of my pocket dialling his number quickly.

"Hi kiddo, everything okay?" He asked sweetly through the phone.

"Is he coming to dinner?" I asked him.

"Who?" He answered confused.

"My father?" I said. I didn't really care that Zoë was in the car. I'm too strung up and I really just need some confirmation that he's not, it's all in my head, and I need to be in Vals arms for a little.

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