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"Okay what exactly did you find hard?" Miss fairbourne asks me moving into the seat where Zoë was seated before. It's the end of the day.

English was our last class of the day.

"I think I should head to detention." I say trying to get out of her presence. She's too intimidating.

"Don't worry, I'm supposed to cover detention today, and you're the only person on the list. What exactly did you find hard?" She says and asks circling back to the original question.

I take a deep breath and turn my attention back to the paper in front of me.

"I didn't know how to add my opinion. It's just not something I'm used to doing." I said to her squeezing my pen between my fingers.

"And that's okay, I'll help you." She said placing her hand on top of my own hand to stop me from squeezing my pen so tight.

Her hands are cold but soft. Really soft. Her hands are probably the same size as mine but her fingers are more slender than mine.

"Okay." I say finally looking at her green eyes. They're greener than I originally thought, they're enchanting almost.

"Let's get to it." She says removing her hand from me and I looked away from her eyes.

✾ ✾ ✾

"Are you okay with eating spaghetti tonight?" Colton asked me as I approached the kitchen.

"Uh, yeah. Thank you." I say thanking him as I look over to see Kinsley at the table colouring.

"How was school Kinny?" I ask her sitting down with her.

"It was so good." She asks stretching out the o on 'so' "First, we did some colouring and then we learned how to do some maths, but I didn't like that. After it was lunch and we got to play outside where I made so many new friends like Nala and Carmen and Lyle and Rob. And then behind the slide Lyle asked me to kiss him. He was nice. He's my boyfriend now." Kinsley said in excitement and I choked at her words and even Colton turned around to hear more of this.

"Kinsley what?" I ask with a slight laugh.

"Yeah Kinny, you and Lyle?" Colton asked.

"I don't like him. But he gives me his apple slices so it's nice."

Both me and Colton started laughing and she continued laughing.

"Oh when I go see your dad I'm going to tell him all about this." Colton says in between his laughs.

I get up and walk back over towards the kitchen island.

"I know it's only been a few days but do you know how he is?" I asked Colton softly.

"I don't know, when he left this morning, he was set on getting better so I'm sure he's doing his best kiddo." Colton reassures me.

"What do you do with your free time?" He asks me.

"I mainly just read, sometimes I'll go out with the girls but we normally just spend our time in coffee shops, reading whatever we're reading or talking for hours." I say shrugging my shoulders.


"They aren't my scene. I'm a homebody I guess you could say."

"Why don't you get a new hobby, one out your comfort zone. You're a teenager. You should be out more, whether it's parties or something that keeps you happy, something new. Something to keep you busy you know. Just a suggestion. I've got Kinsley if that's what you're worried about. I'm your godfather remember that." He says with a smile.

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