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For the rest of the day I felt a bit down but definitely understood where I went wrong.

Once I got home I buried my head in English work to study as much as I possibly could. I stayed upstairs and didn't even answer a single message for the next three hours.

Colton called me down for dinner and that was the time I decided I did enough and could end for the night.

"So did you talk to her about dinner?" Colton asked for the third time this week from across the table.

"I did." I said softly.

"And?" He said adding more salad onto Kinsley's plate.

"Maybe another time." I said.

"Oh that's okay, I'd still like to get to know her when she's free yeah." He said a little defeated at his attempts to get to know Valentina.

"Does this mean we can't make more ice cream?" Kinsley asked as she dipped her chicken nugget into a side of ketchup.

"We definitely still can make ice cream kinny. Don't worry." Colton assured her.

"How was your sleep over?" I asked Kinsley.

She went on and rambled about how they went to the zoo and got to play with the baby goats and all the fish they saw.

About how Nala has a massive Barbie dream house and the paintings they made at her house.

She talked for most of dinner until she got tired of talking and decided to go watch a bit of tv before Colton went to put her to bed.

I helped Colton tidy up while he did the dishes.

"I'm sad she's busy, I would've made all her favourites. Mainly because it's clear she makes you so happy Letty." He said as I placed one more glass at his side.

It's odd I knew Valentina was being sarcastic but I couldn't help but wonder, what if I actually told Colton? I mean I've met her family. Even if it was by default.

They all seemed to know who I was, of course Lottie and Stella knew who I was but even her brother Andrés seemed to have some sort of clue who I was when I was talking to him one on one. He asked how school was.

Maybe she told them.

"I know, she does make me happy. It's just our situation is...complicated." I said walking away from him to wipe down the table.

"What do you mean?" He questioned.

"She's someone older than me. Only by six years though. And I don't exactly know how we found ourselves in this situation." I blushed slightly thinking about her.

Colton dried his hands and turned around. "Tell me more." He said with a smile.

He didn't have a look on judgement on his face like I expected. He looked like he was happy to hear me talk about her more.

And I jump at every opportunity to do so.

"Don't yell just yet okay." I said before I could continue.

"Letty, you're telling me about the person who makes you happy and your heart flutter. I couldn't care less for who she is as long as she treats you right and makes you come home smiling everyday like you have for been for the past three months. That's all I care about." He said and I felt my heart beat in my chest.

"She's my English teacher." I swallowed hard. Waiting for his answer.

His eyes go wide but regain their shape quickly and he looks at me for a second.

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