35 : The call

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"The beginning of the end."

"Stop fussing they'll love you." Lizzie chuckles as she catches me fiddling with my shirt for the tenth time as we walk up to her parents home.

Dragging our mini suitcase in my left hand I use my right to wrap my hand around Lizzie's waist and tickle her.

"AH OK OK!" She laughs her smile lighting up her face, I'm so fucking lucky. When she asked me to spend Christmas with her I knew I was going to say yes I was just surprised that she asked.

I've never met a girls parents before, ever. Sure I've met friends parents but I never seemed to care what they thought about me, but this is Lizzie's parents.

I need them to like me.

"Sweetheart!" The door flies open revealing a middle aged woman, her hair is tied back in a bun but she still has some blonde pieces flying out.

Scarlett Myers I realise, Lizzie's mum.

Her face is full of warmth as she embraces Lizzie in a hug for a solid minute before she moves her gaze to me.

"Uh-" I clear my throat -"Nice to meet you Mrs Myers." I smile, my insides shaking.

"Oh please call me Scarlett, Lizzie you never told me your boyfriend was so handsome." I already know I have turned bright red by the way lizzie can barely hold it together as she looks at me,

"Max and Benny are inside watching the hockey, let me put this away for you." Scarlett exclaims taking the luggage out of my hand and rushing upstairs in the blink of an eye before I can protest.

Lizzie takes my hand leading me inside, the walls are decorated with paintings and pictures of the family and I can't help but feel a gnaw of envy in my stomach.

When we reach the doorway where I assume the TV is I pull my hand out of Lizzie's hold abruptly causing her to give me a glare.

"No freaking way am I touching you while your dad is watching." I say,

"You were literally just holding my hand Luke." She deadpans, I shake my head as she sighs in defeat walking in front of me, the house is small but it's cozy and I don't forget the pile of bills on the floor next to the door when we walked in.

On the couch ten feet in front of me sits the two only men in Lizzie's life that I respect.

Max Myers is staring daggers at me while her brother is trying his best to do the exact same.

"Dad!" Lizzie goes up to hug him before pinching her brothers cheeks lightly,

"Luke this is my dad and my brother Ben ,guys this is my boyfriend Luke."

"Nice to meet you sir, I've heard great things about you." I hold out a hand which he accepts roughly, looking at me like I'm an animal he switches his gaze back to his daughter.

"I thought I said no boys till you're fifty." For a second I think he's joking but then I realise he's  not, his face is dead serious.

"Ha ha, like I'm gonna listen to you old man." Lizzie says and I bite my cheek to hide my smile.

"You already introduced him! Isn't he handsome and a gentleman!" Scarlett gushes, Lizzie nearly chokes on her water.

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