18 : Mario kart and an almost kiss

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"I see my reflection in your eyes."

She looks fucking perfect.

I nearly crashed my brand new car from being distracted by her, her smile, her laugh, her eyes.

The way she sings to one direction, how she turns the heater full blast just to snuggle into the corner, the blush that creeps onto her face when she notices me watching.

Just her.

I couldn't help it, every part of my body was telling me to drive away, to not talk to her again, to drop her home and go.

But of course I don't fucking listen to my body, because it's wrong, I hope.

Which is how by the end of our "hang out" she ended up back at my house, my fucking house.

Yeah was I stupid.

"Are you sure that your roommates are okay with me coming over?" She asks shyly as she follows behind me, the rocks crunching beneath our shoes as we walk up the driveway to the front of the 'hockey house'.

Are you sure you want me here? Was her actual question, I could tell by how her feet were shifting from one to the other and her nervous fiddling with her necklace.

"I want you to come, you shouldn't give two shits about them." I grab hold of her waist and pull her next to me, she looks up at me giving me the 'don't say that about your roommates' look.

"Sorry" I mutter as we reach the front door only to be cut off by the door abruptly opening.

"SOMEONE RECORD HE JUST SAID SORRY!!" My idiotic so called best friend says jaw on the floor as he shouts behind him.

"Lizzie fucking Myers, I knew we would meet again." Wyatt grins at Lizzie who shuffles behind me before shyly waving at him, so fucking cute.

"Don't swear at her dipshit" I cuss at him,

"Chill chill" he puts his hands up surrendering. I watch as my other two asshole roommates run up to the door with controllers in their hand.

"Lizzie these are my roommates, Wyatt, Adam, Elijah." I reluctantly tell her,

"Guys this is Lizzie, my friend"

"I remember you, your that girl Liam found ho-"
Adam sheepishly smacks his hand over Elijah's mouth as I groan.

"You go to school at meadow ridge right?" Adam asks her as we walk into the house with me behind her giving Wyatt a death glare for looking at her ass.

"Uh yeah, I'm a junior." She says I put my hand on her lower back and lead her towards the living room.

"Ahh, what's your major"

"Biology and sports science" Adams eyes go wide and Wyatt half chokes on his water while I roll my eyes.

"You're hot and smart. Wow I might have to steal your friend off of you." Wyatt winks at me,

"Fuck off" I shift closer to Lizzie on the couch giving Wyatt and Elijah death stares since I saw both of them checking her out.

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