10 : The cowgirl and The playboy bunny

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"The best kinds of friendships are the ones that turn into family"

The moment we got back into my dorm the work started. I took the first shower taking extra long to make sure I felt clean, I blew dry my hair with the extra help from Sofia and started applying my make up.

Twenty minutes ago Sofia started playing music, we laugh and talk and sing while getting ready and I savour every moment.

Because soon in two years this will all be gone, I won't be a college student attending a Halloween party, I won't be laughing with my friends, I will finally be an adult.

I apply more makeup than usual, swiping a few more strokes of mascara and covering up scars, I still keep it natural wanting to keep the attention focused on the red lip I'm wearing.

Is it out of my comfort zone? Fuck yeah, did Sofia convince me to wear it? Yes again.

Pleased with my makeup I move onto my costume, I slip on the white denim shorts and fold them over once, I ask Sofia to help me tie the top at the back as it is literally just a pretty patterned handkerchief.

I slip on the cowboy boots and take the cowboy hat off my bedside table, I walk over to the mirror analysing myself.

My blonde hair is swept over my shoulder and I have a lot of skin showing, I barely recognise myself.

The bell to the dorm rings shutting me off of my critics.

I pull open the door and am met with a mermaid, a sailor, Spider-Man and Indiana jones.

"Hii!" I exclaim as I hug each of them, when I get to JJ - aka Indiana Jones - he lets out a wolf whistle as his gaze sweeps my outfit.

"You look goodddd Lizard" JJ says using the nickname he gave me when we met in sophomore year.

"Thanks! Could you go get Sofia, she's in the bathroom." I ask as he strides out of the room,

"You two look so cute!" I say to the sailor and the mermaid,

Gracie is wearing sequin top and a white mini skirt with a starfish clip in her hair, she is beaming up at Logan who is wearing a white shirt and white pants with a sailor hat.

"It took a lot of convincing to get him to do a couple costume, but I'm pretty sure he loves it" she whispers the last part as I giggle.

"I haven't seen you in a while Liz, JJ wasn't joking when he said you looked good" Spider-Man says,

"I'm so sorry, I have been so busy lately. I missed you too" I side hug him. Archie is genuinely one of the best guys I know, I lean on him when I'm lost or scared and he will take care of me.

"You look amazing Sof!" Gracie says from her spot on Logan's lap as Sofia and JJ come out of the bathroom, looking messy.

I shoot a glance in Sofia's direction, her hair is slightly rumpled and she is breathing heavily. JJ just seems way too happy.

"Okay shall we go" Sofia says after noticing all four pairs of eyes on her, We let all three guys go in front of us as we pass by the hallways.

I loop my arms with Gracie and Sofia as we exit the dorms and walk on the pavement.

"I'm gonna miss you guys" Gracie says leaning her head on my shoulder, Gracie is a senior which means in seven months my best friend is going to leave me behind and go live the rest of her life.

It hurts more than it should, it hurts knowing that we will never share a dorm in freshman year again, I hug both of them a little closer.

Eventually we get separated, Logan and Gracie walk ahead hand in hand while Sofia and JJ walk a few steps ahead of me and Archie as we walk through the car park.

We stay quiet, it's not an awkward quietness between me and Archie it's more of a comforting one, I lean against his arm as he pulls me closer.

When we reach JJ's truck, Logan takes the driving seat and Gracie in shotgun, Sofia sits on JJ's lap and I sit in between them and Archie.

I'm determined to make tonight a good night because it's fucking Halloween, so when me, Gracie and Sofia's soul song connects to the radio we sing our heart outs.

Starships by Nicki Minaj echos the car, the guys are staring with their eyes wide as they watch our karaoke unfold.

"BUT FUCK WHO YOU WANT, AND FUCK WHO YOU LIKE" I scream as the song comes to my part,

"THATS OUR LIFE, THERE'S NO END IN SIGHT" Sofia screams as she points to Gracie who finishes the verse,


By the end of the car journey there are six voices screaming and shouting to Starships.


So the last chapter was really short and this one too so I am releasing this one early to feed you guys💓

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