16: Yeah, Okay

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"il mio cuore appartiene a te"

Luke: what time are you home?

Me: late, why?

Luke: can I come over?

Me: Nope, The girls in my dorm already think I have a boyfriend and I've got tutoring.

Luke: breaking my heart baby

"Mhm" Quinn clears her throat from in front of me, my head snaps up and I bet I look like a tomato.

"Sorry um what were we talking about?" I ask flipping through the text book she brought.


"Right, did you complete the muscle analysis I gave you?" I ask,

"Yep" she says as she flicks her black hair to her back,

"Great, let's go over that. We've got around an hour until the session is done so we have time."

I started tutoring Quinn around the start of the year for extra money, she takes Biology and she's a smart girl but she just needs a little push.

she's got the 'I'm hot and I know it' look going for her, she's got black straight hair with blue tips and a tan complexion, she's tall and slim and has a perfect body to be a model.

She's also a heavy rock fan which you could probably tell by just looking at her, she wears dark eyeliner and has got too many piercings to count. Her outfits usually consist of black, whether it being a tank top that barely covers anything or a oversized T-shirt with AC-DC on the front. 

She spends a lot of her time drinking and partying around though which sets back her potential and I'm assuming that she's still hungover from her last night festivities.

"This part is slightly wrong, when the muscle contracts-"

"Hey Liz!" Someone calls from behind me, I turn my head and see Joey and Archie walking towards us.

"Hi!" I say once they reach our table, Quinn pats down her hair and I take the opportunity to make introductions.

"This is Quinn, I'm tutoring her" I say, I watch as Archie gives her a small smile before turning back to me and joey who takes a long time sweeping his gaze over her body as she purposefully leans forward.

"She's a freshman" I glare at joey, he widens his eyes and tears his gaze from her.

"What time are you finishing?" Archie asks,

"Late, probably around nine?" I say as I look back at Quinn who's giving heart eyes to Joey.

"I can pick you up"

"No it's okay. Library is not even a far walk and you've got practice right?" I correct him,

"Shit. Call me immediately if something happens." He says rubbing a hand over his face,

"Yeah yeah okay dad" I say sarcastically
"We've got to get back to work so bye, see you tomorrow" I wave them off turning my attention back to Quinn,

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