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I truly feel sorry for souls without a minds eye,
They see only blackness not a pie in the sky,
If only this ability could be lent out to your friends,
These black hole brains could see futures ends,

But most likely if this were true possibility,
They wouldn't gift back cure to cerebral infertility,
After sowing their grey matter furrows,
Second sight brought bright light to dark burrows,

They'd find it too difficult to give up this borrowed skill,
While I'm now in darkness unsure if looks could kill,
Pissed off for naively letting go of Gods gift,
Shame on me for having compassion to uplift,

Thank heavens I'm writing a true work of fiction,
I still see moving pictures and dancing prose diction,
It's also lucky for you folks, my internet audience,
I have many poems to decipher from ensconced embodiments.

~Farls Tokley

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