The Atwood Engagement

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I was new to public transportation and needed directions,
I asked the TTC motorman but got her interjections,
A sweet spring haired woman with a kind tone of voice,
Took time from her day to speak with words that were choice,

You got me situated to where I should disembark,
Then continued with small talk like a poetic lark,
I didn't have a whole lot to say for i was nervous and shy,
She must have intuitively known I was a small town guy,

The kind lady stepped out a few stops before mine,
That's when I was hit with a question from behind,
Hey do you know that woman you were just talking to,
I said no wondering what's that got to do with you?

They replied " That woman was Margaret Atwood a famous scribe"
I was dumbfounded wishing I'd milked more from the vibe,
I continued on my journey north through city to my worksite,
Feeling a bit sullen and ashamed my conversation skills were light,

However upon reflection as I'm writing down my experience,
What better fodder for a future writer now so punctilious,
So if Canadas favourite writer should ever stumble upon this story,
Thank you for the sweetest gift of belated allegory.

~Farls Tokley

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