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"Alright, JJ, we're relocating you for reasons that are quite apparent," she says, her gaze fixed on me as she continues.

"The facility you're being transferred to is unlike others; it's for people who need extra care. We think this would be the best for your recovery and to help manage your bipolar disorder."

To be completely honest, I don't find the change bothersome at all.

Right now, my concern is where the fuck is Lizzy. She's the one person I truly need at this moment, and after the call id assume that she'd at least be here with me.

"Tomorrow, Mr. Robin will arrive to complete the paperwork and escort you personally," she states, her tone calm yet authoritative. "Do you have any questions or concerns before then?"

Rather than writing down questions about what's happening tomorrow, I jot down the question I've been actually worried about. On the notebook lying in front of me I write: "Where is Lizzy?"

Initially, Jamie appears confused by my question, furrowing her brow in confusion. However, William, noticing her confusion, tells her who I am referring to.

"Ah, yes, the girl who called!" Jamie exclaims, recognizing the name.

Jamie offers reassurance, her voice gentle yet firm as she explains, "Lizzy is alright. She reached out to us and assured us that she's doing fine. Unfortunately, you won't be able to see her at this moment, but I've had interactions with Mr. Robin in the past, and I'm confident that he'll arrange for you to reunite with her soon." Her words are accompanied by a warm, comforting smile, aimed at easing my concerns.

With Jamie's words sinking in, I can't help but mentally bookmark the first question I'll be directing towards Mr. Robin when I finally meet him.

"Perhaps it's best for you to have some rest now. However, if you prefer, I can stay a while longer. Just let me know what you're comfortable with," Jamie offers considerately, leaving the decision up to me.

I quickly scribble a note on my notebook to reassure her that I'm feeling alright and that she can leave without any worries.

Once I'm done writing, I hand her the notebook and watch as she reads my message with a small smile on her face.

"Alright then, I suppose it's time to say goodbye for now. Take care, my dear," Jamie says warmly as she prepares to leave with the police officer. Just as they're about to step out, she pauses and glances back towards you. "Oh, one more thing I almost forgot to mention - we made sure to refill your medication," she informs you with a reassuring smile.

I stick a thumbs up and she walks away.

As time goes on, the weight of weariness tugs at my eyelids, urging them to close. Despite my desire to resist sleep's call and remain vigilant, I know I can't stay awake forever.

Even though I'm terrified on what I might see on the other side in my slumber.

Click, click, click...

The sound of the clock added to the pumping sound in my chest.

The door swung open, and my father and my psychiatrist Mr. Groisky walked out.

As I turned to face my father, a wave of unease swept over me, noticing the subtle quiver in his lips and the tremble in his hands as they hovered near his mouth. His eyes, usually steady and strong, were now filled with a glistening film of unshed tears, reflecting the turmoil brewing within him.

The weight of his emotions hung heavy in the air, casting a somber shadow over the room as he struggled to contain the flood of feelings threatening to spill down his cheeks.

I know why he's like this.

He knows I'm like my mother, the one who 'destroyed' our family.

"So, I spoke to your father about everything" he looked at me with empathy, as if he had pity on me.

"If you need anymore help, just call me and I'll make an appointment" — "hope you do well JJ," he then walked back into his office.

As the heavy door clicked shut behind me, a surge of anxiety gripped my chest, causing my heart to pound against my ribcage like a trapped bird.

I hesitated to meet my father's gaze, the weight of uncertainty pressing down on me like a heavy fog. In that tense moment, I struggled to identify the source of my fear.

As I tentatively raised my gaze to meet my father's, I detected a flicker of something unsettling in his eyes – they mirrored the fear I had witnessed countless times before, like a haunting echo of past traumas.

Memories of him pushing my mother away surged into my mind, each instance etched with the sharp pang of abandonment and the bitter sting of unresolved emotions.

In that charged silence, the weight of unspoken words hung heavy between us, tangled in a web of unspoken fears and fractured trust.

There was an awkward silence between me and my dad. The silence was worse then words spoken.

I knew what he had a lot to say, and to be quite honest. I didn't exactly want to know what it was.

He didn't say a word when he started walking away to the exit of the building, I knew better to follow.

As the car pulled away from Mr. Groski's office, a heavy silence enveloped us. With each passing mile, the landscape outside blurred into a watercolor wash of muted hues.

Lost in my thoughts, I found peace in the steady drumming of rain, its soothing sounds bringing my racing heart to a slower pace.

When my dad finished pulling into the drive way, he turns off the car causing the loud engine eliminating the last bit of noise we had besides the patterning rain on the windows of the car.

Instead of opening the door, as what I expected, he just sat there in silence. His hands were still positioned on the wheel, and his head was staring out into the distance.

As he did, I sat there silently.

"Your not going to destroy what we have left of our family, are you?" he turns to me, fear in his glossy eyes.

"Your acting like it not already destroyed."

As I woke up abruptly, my lungs filled with a sudden gasp of air, causing my body to jolt upright from its original sleeping position.

My nights are haunted not by mere dreams but by the torment of reliving painful memories.

These memories, etched in my mind, transformed into nightmares I wish were merely figments of imagination.

Despite the need to rewrite history or alter the circumstances of my birth, I am painfully aware that the past remains unchangeable.

This is probably short, sorry I haven't updated as well :/ I honestly haven't had motivation, but I hope now that we're getting into the more exciting parts I'll get more into this. Hopefully tomorrow I start writing the next chapter. Thank you for sticking along if you have!

Make sure to vote, follow and comment to express your feelings about chapters or suggestions. I actually will really like suggestions about what you want to happen in future chapters, so make sure to share!!!

Thank you again, and thank you for all the support! I would of never thought id be in the position of the writer, but here I am :)

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