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Lizzy POV:

It's been quite some time since I last arrived here, and I must say, everyone here is incredibly welcoming.

The warmth and kindness of everyone I've encountered are truly extraordinary.

Despite the incredible warmth I've experienced here, if I were to express my feelings honestly, I must admit that I still find myself having trouble with a sense of homesickness.

Despite the wonderful company and new experiences, there's a lingering longing for the comfort of Liliths that occasionally weighs on my heart.

I think it's more the people than the house when I was at Liliths. Yes, it was crap there. But at least I had people who truly loved me and suffered with me.

In addition to grappling with homesickness, I haven't received a call or text from JJ since the day we were ushered into those vans. It's crossed my mind that perhaps he misplaced the paper.

However, I've found comfort in recent calls from Chris, Kayden, and Amanda, who has given me updates on their lives.

Interestingly, Sammi has connections with other homes, she had created arrangements for reunions not just with them, but also with some other kids from Lilith's.

I'm really looking forward to seeing them, Sammi is so great for doing this.

But the need to hear from JJ gets worse everyday. The uncertainty gnaws at me, and I find myself consumed by the desire for his call, craving the comfort that his voice would bring every second of the day

I ache to know that he's well. A call or text, anything. Perhaps even through a visit.

I feel like hearing from him will solve the missing puzzle piece in my heart that I hadn't been able to fill since I've been here.

I was interrupted as Ruth settled beside me on the supple leather couch, her voice breaking through the silence like a gentle breeze. With a slight tilt of her head and a curious glint in her eyes, she uttered simple words,

"Hey, whatcha doing?"

"Just thinking," I replied softly, the words escaping me almost reflexively as I shifted my posture, propping my chin on my hand. A faint furrow creased my brow as I gazed into the distance, lost in my own thoughts.

Her touch, gentle yet reassuring, sent a ripple of comfort through me as her hand found its place on my thigh. I turned to meet her gaze, finding a depth of understanding in her eyes that spoke volumes without a single word being uttered.

"You know you can tell me anything?" she looks at me in the eyes, her reassuring look starts to turn me into a faucet.

"Why would someone you've known for years not call you or text you?" I voiced the question that had been weighing heavily on my mind, the words tumbling out in a rush as if eager to escape the confines of my thoughts.

Each syllable carried the weight of weeks of uncertainty, the unanswered calls and unacknowledged messages.

"Well, it depends. Where is this person?" Ruth's voice carried a hint of curiosity, raising her eyebrow.

Ruth's words lingered in the air as I pondered the whereabouts of JJ. As I thought about her question, each possibility more unsettling than the last.

Was JJ being deliberately kept from reaching out to me?

No, that can't be right I protested inwardly, my thoughts racing. I'm here, and everything is okay. They've allowed me to text and call freely, so why wouldn't someone else let JJ?

With a sense of relief, I clung to the most plausible explanation: perhaps JJ had simply misplaced the note with my number.

But as I lay in bed that night my gut keeps telling me that the note that I had firmly tucked in his hand was still stuffed somewhere on him.

Not lost, waiting to be used.

But can't.


It's been a while now, I'd like to say two weeks.

Ever since I've gotten here I've had been itching to use the phone that is in the man's tight grasp.

All I can think about is the relief of hearing Lizzy's voice through the small rectangle. That single call will simply handily change everything.

I need it.

As I meticulously went about my chores, my mind buzzed with a flurry of plans and schemes. Yet, amidst the racing thoughts and strategies, a chilling memory loomed large in my mind—a memory that sent shivers down my spine and cast a shadow of fear over my every move.

It was the memory of that fateful descent into the basement, where the walls and floor had been dressed in the crimson hue of my own blood. The thought of that sinister encounter sent a ripple of terror coursing through my veins, leaving me paralyzed with fear at the mere mention of the man responsible.

Though I dared not speak his name aloud, his presence lingered.

Haunting the darkest corners of my mind and casting dread over every moment spent in this house.

The thought of getting the opportunity to make the call ignited a flicker of determination within me—a determination fueled not only by the longing to reconnect with the outside world but also by a deep need to expose the dark history of this fucked up place.

For far too long, I had been a witness to unspeakable acts of abuse, neglect, and exploitation, forced to endure cruelty and suffering that defined life within these walls.

If I could just get that phone and call, to speak out against the atrocities that had been committed by him, then perhaps there was still a chance to shine a light into the darkest corners of this wretched house and expose the truth for all to see.

And so, with each passing moment, the need to call within me hardened, fueled by the knowledge that this call could be the key to safety—not just for myself, but for all who had suffered in silence for far too long.

And you may think, why not just run away. Well that's not too easy when every single window to freedom is locked with the intent of keeping what's inside, inside.

Not to mention this man has a rifle loaded and ready to take down anyone who dares to run, Fara's words not mine.

So to get everyone out, I embarked on a mission to gather as much intelligence as possible on the man who held the key to the future of the kids saftey.

Every spare moment was dedicated to observing his patterns and routines.

From the shadows, I watched and waited, biding my time until the perfect opportunity presented itself to strike. Every whisper of conversation, I listened without a trace of evidence I was ever there.

But with following a sadistic man like this one, you are keen to finding things you don't want to.

And I found something that I wished I'd never seen while on this mission to the key to freedom.

You probably wouldn't belive me if you weren't there, but I think I caught him watching videos of animals getting slaughtered like a movie.

The moment I caught him doing it I felt a chill go down my spine, how messed up was this guy. Scratch that, this whole fucking place was messed up.

I just hope that animals was the only thing he was watching getting killed.

Sorry this chapter was kinda bad, idk why but I feel as if the sentences didn't go smoothly 💔

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