Few Days Left

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Evelyn and Amelia wondered why Yana and Damian seemed so distant than before. They decided to meet up with her and ask her if anything happened lately. Yana was really not in the mood today so she used a simple hoodie with shorts.

They met up in a coffee shop and and ordered their drinks. " Yana, what happened with you and Damian, I've seen that Damian seem to be close with Anna?" Evelyn asked. A tear escaped my Yana's eye. " Yana why are you crying? I'm sorry I made you cry" Evelyn hugged Yana with a worried face. "Now tell me what happened?" Amelia asked. " T-The problem i-is that m-my mom and my d-dad are divorcing and they figured out t-that I should be in J-Japan for the best. So I d-decided that I should break up with D-Damian since I didn't want to hurt his feelings. He said that he wanted me to die and he wanted to break up with me too. I said that I lost feelings for him but I-I r-really m-m-miss him s-so m-much." Yana said crying. Evelyn and Amelia were hurt that they cried and tried to comfort Yana from crying. " I'm sorry Yana! I didn't know that you were going through this much." Amelia said. " When are you going to Japan?" Evelyn asked. "I'm leaving tomorrow, I won't be in school tomorrow. While I'm away please don't tell Damian about this. I dont want him to go all the way to Japan just for me." Yana said coldly. " Okay don't worry Yana! Always update us while your in Japan! We will miss you!" Amelia said. " Yana, you better go home it's late your flight is early tomorrow" Evelyn said. " Okay I better get going guys" Yana said. " Come here I want to hug you!! I'll miss you soo much Yana! Dont overthink about Damian that much just focus in your dreams!" Evelyn said. " M-Me too I'll miss you soo much guys" Yana said crying. " Stop crying!! Go now!! Love youu" Amelia said.

Yana POV

I quickly went down to sleep. I couldn't believe that I'm officially going to Japan tomorrow. Will I be able to live there without Damian... Whatever! I went to sleep but Damian went into my mind again. I went on my phone and I saw that Damian blocked me on Instagram 3 hours ago. "Wow" I said to myself. I quickly just went to sleep and relaxed


Yana prepared all her stuffs and went to shower and changed her clothes. She went and ate breakfast and her mom and dad prepared to drop her off the airport.

Damian POV

I was kind of happy today that today is the last day. I quickly prepared my stuffs and walked to school. Once I arrived I didn't see Yana. But who cares? 15 minutes passed by and she still wasn't there. I wondered why, I haven't even seen her going to school. Is she absent today? Whatever! why am I even thinking about her if I broke up with her! UHH!. 

Yana POV

My mom and dad dropped me off the airport. " Yana take good care of yourself okay? call us when you arrived the airplane okay? Make sure to always update us!" My dad said. " Yes Yana, tell us when you arrived Japan okay?" Mom replied. " Yes mom and dad I will don't worry!" I replied. " We'll m-miss you! T-take care o-of yourself" They said. I quickly hugged them and said " Love you too, don't worry I will come back". " Come back next year okay? Always call us!!" Dad said. " Yes dad now I got to go byeee!" I said. I turned away and tears started to flow down my eyes. I will miss them, especially my friends ( Evelyn and Amelia). I couldn't help but also miss Damian...

Hours Later

Yana went to the plane and went to her seat. She texted her mom and dad that she's on the plane and told them not to worry. She got her headphones and listened to music along the way. She looked at the clouds and suddenly cried. She misses Damian. All she could think about is Damian. She wondered if Damian will move on. She's scared that he will have a girlfriend once she visits her home country again. Yana just slept and she dreamt about Damian having a new girlfriend. She felt sick and not in the mood. She decided to text her friends about updates on whats going on.

Damian POV

I haven't seen Yana at home. I wondered if she was okay. I just called Anna and asked her if we could hang out. I have no idea but I think I have a crush on her. Me and Anna are getting closer and I have no idea what the future holds. I wish I could be wit Anna in the future. I wanna see Yana's reaction. I smirked to myself.

Yana arrived in Japan. She told her friends and her parents that she arrived safely. To start the day off she went to buy a bubble tea and ate ramen. While she was eating she was video calling with Evelyn. She then booked a hotel for her and spent her time watching k-dramas the whole afternoon. Her mom called her and told her that she will be having college in Japan. Her dad prepared all the stuffs and her mom said that it starts next week. 

Yana POV

I've seen many boys that are kind of cute her in Japan, but I still can't move on with Damian still on my mind. College starts next week and I'm kind of nervous. They said that I should not be nervous because there are many foreign students there. I was scared by the thought that I should learn Japanese but whatever they tell me to do I will do it. I slowly started to have friends here in Japan and I'm glad since I don't know anything about Japan.

Weeks later 

Damian POV 

I never saw Yana going out of her house. I only saw her parents going out and I usually hear them fighting and arguing almost everyday. But about Anna we're starting to get closer with each other. We hang out almost everyday and she has a sense of humor. She's really kind as well as VERY pretty. I'm glad that I moved on because I used to think that I would never break up with Yana but guess what I did because she lost feelings for me. JUST INCREDIBLE.

Hey Guys! Update! I finally finished this chapter. I hope you guys like this chapter see you in the next chapter which will be posted today!

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