XLI: A Day in Reeve

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The warm sun rays touched my bare skin as I opened my eyes. It was so far, the best sleep I had since I moved out of Gleis. The weather is just right, not too cold like in Clye.  I groggily sat on the bed and lazily starched my arms, letting out a deep sigh.

I looked around and realized that I am now the bed, wait a minute. I remembered clearly how I slept on the couch. I looked at my side and saw Az, sleeping soundly on the same bed that I am in.

“Azrael.” I said, annoyance hinted on my voice. He slowly opened his eyes, the sun rays from the nearby open window makes his eyes look like a deep pool of honey. “What?” He asked, his morning voice were raspy and deep.

“Why am I here?” I asked, standing up and fixing the side of my bed. 

“You fell.” He said and buried his face with the pillow. I just rolled my eyes and walked towards the vanity and brushed my hair to a neat ponytail. I also consumed some of the potion I made to make my eyes golden once again.

“You hungry, Az?” I asked, he just groaned in response. I left him in the room, hoping that he'd prepare himself for the long day that we will be having.  The Inn that we are in has a buffet every mornings so food will not be a problem for as as long as we have money.

I got two plates of food and went back to the room, Az on sitting on the edge of the bed, already dressed up. I want to commend him for that but it is too early in the morning to be in his nerves.  I put the plates of food on the bed and sat on the other corner of it.

We eat in silence until a knock interrupted it. Az stood up and opened the door. A gentleman in a weird but formal attire stood outside our room. He has a box in hand and a letter.

“Az?” The man asked.

“Who are you?” Az asked, already in a defensive stance. I shook my head and stood up walking towards them.

“Yes, he is Az. What can we do for you?” I asked politely. The man handed Az the box and the letter. “Lady Salem had instructed me to bring this to the man named Az.” He said and left. I closed the door behind us and followed Az to the bed where he put the box on.

“Salem who?” He asked.

“The girl you saved yesterday.”  I answered.

“Oh the girl with tasty snow.” He said and opened the box. It was a very fancy looking outfit for men and a matching mask. Az gave me the letter as he cannot read that much of foreign figures.

“It's the invitation for you on her birthday.” I read him the letter and he looked uninterested.

“Are we going?” He asked.

“You are going.” I replied, he looked confused.

“It is an invitation for you not for you and me and one more thing this would be a good exposure to the tears of Cerce, the birthday banquet will be held on Yeoris' palace. ” I explained how big of an opportunity this is for us, Salem must be a daughter of a high-ranking official here.

“Why me?” He asked.

“You are the one who got invited. Bring the necklace as a gift for her, okay?” I said, continuing to eat my food.

“How about you?” He asked, once again like a child left my his mother on the line of a grocery store.

“I'll be out here, of course.” I replied.

“No, you have to go with me. If you don't, I'll mess that whole place up, trust me.” He threatened. I sighed. He has a point, there's no way he'll survive on his own specially on this kind of formal gathering. 

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