XXIII: Empress' Plan

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The day of the visit to the Imperial Palace came. The Duke and not even Emyr accompanied me on the way to the Capital. It was expected but I can't help but to feel upset, still.

"Lady Serena will enter." A knight said as I stood infront of the large doors of the throne room. The doors opened and there I saw the Emperor, sitting proudly in his throne, a huge smirk plastered in his face with the Duchess beside him. Cyn is standing just infront of them, waiting for me.

As I walked towards the Emperor and finally met Cyn just infront, we bowed together before them. I could sense how Cyn doesn't want to be here either.

"Come." The Emperor said, looking to me, up and down.  I felt Cyn's grip on my hand tighten but let go soon after. I slowly walked towards the emperor. He made me kneel infront of him.

"Who came crawling back to my feet?" He whispered as he gripped my jaw. I did not say a word and just kept the eye contact that we have.

"If I were you, I would refrain doi—" Cyn was interrupted by a sudden sinister laugh from the Emperor.

"Why? Didn't the Duke of Gleis disown this witch?" He said, mockingly. "Words spread fast in this Empire, Son." He added. He let go of my jaw and pushed me away. Cyn helped me to stand up and walk to our original place.

"So what are you here for?" The Emperor asked with bored expression.

"I would like to ask permission for an Imperial wedding." Cyn said directly.

"Oh, dear me. You will really let a cursed blood run through the imperial bloodline?" The Empress commented as she pretended to be shocked.

"In one condition." The Emperor smirked.

"Engage in a war with Eldoria. Conquer then and offer the head of their king to me, yourself." He said to the Emperor.

Eldoria? It is a neighboring nation that isn't a part of the Empire. They are one of the few standalone nation in this continent.

"Didn't you sign the peace treaty?" Cyn asked.

"Who cares? That land is blessed by Berith the god of wealth. The diamond and gold mines there are top-quality. For sure, the people of the empire will benefit once we had our hands on those mines." He smirked.

How disgusting. How can he use the people of the empire as an excuse? If the Empire start a war, civilians will suffer.

"Okay. Let me use the Imperial Knights." I was surprised by Cyn's answer. How dare he?

After that we are dismissed, as soon as we made it out of the throne room, I faced Cyn.

"Why?" I asked.  He did not respond.

"I thought we're doing this shitty marriage to save people? WHY DID YOU AGREE TO THAT? You know that you will kill innocent lives!" I shouted, not caring about who will hear it.

"I am doing this to save the people of the empire."  He responded.

"How about those innocent people of Eldoria?" I asked.

"I said, I am doing this for the people of the Empire." He said, emphasizing the words 'people of the empire.

"You're nothing like them Cyn. You're a monster." I said in an emotionless tone. He did not even dared to look at me in the eye and just walked away.

As I am going to walk towards the exit, a flock of Imperial Knights stopped me.

"What's happening?"  I asked.

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