XXV: Luca's Facade

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In the end, the Emperor allowed Luca to stay in the palace as a personal guard for the saintess. It is pretty absurd and awkward. All the main characters are here and somehow the story followed the original plot. All those years that I spent trying to get into their good side were wasted.

“Serena?” I called. After the little reunion we had, the Emperor sent be back in my room.

“What?”  she answered, obviously annoyed.

“Why do you hate them so much?” I asked. I mean, if anyone here knows about this, it should be me as I have created them but the longer I stayed in this world, the more I realized that these people that I have created has their own thoughts, feeling and free will.

“They killed me.”  Her voice isn't loud like before, it is more like a silent yelp from a lost cub in the huge forest. I felt how upset this made her.

I decided to leave it at that. There's no point on digging deeper in her past wounds.

A knock interrupted my thoughts and Celine entered my room, Luca closely followed her. Her gorgeous blonde hair flowing behind her looked like golden threads.

They both sat on the vacant couch, their stares piercing through my soul.

I wasn't afraid.

I mean, I did not do anything wrong to them but in their perspective I was a murderer. Serena tried to kill Celine after all, Luca's childhood friend.

If I were him, I'd hate me too.

“Are you okay?” Celine asked. I don't know how to respond. She was scared of me back then but now she's here as if I was a lost case. I chose to keep my mouth shut, casually looked at my hands.

I felt a gentle touch on my shoulder as I looked up, I saw Celine's amethyst eyes looking at me. Her gaze is soft as if it's telling me that everything will be okay. A gaze of tender care and kindness.

“LEAVE!” I instantly covered my mouth. Damn it. Serena found an opening when I was too distracted.

Celine looked surprised and terrified. I tried reaching out but Luca grabbed my arm, making me kneel in pain.

“Go out.” Luca ordered Celine, who followed and left my room, leaving Luca and I. He is far different from the Luca I know. The Luca I once met on the forest is long gone.

He tightened his grasp on my arm, making me wince in pain.  He crouched just to be on my level and looked at me directly in the eye.

“How low can you sink?” He asked with his dead, emotionless eyes.

“You stooped so low just for the affection of a man?” He added as he tightened his grip.

“What?” I asked.

“Don't play dumb, Serena.” He spat venom. Ah, yes.  Serena did try to murder Celine because of jealousy.

“What happened to you?” his voice now different. It almost sounds like he's desperate for an answer. I looked back at him, his gaze not as stern as earlier. His silver orbs looked through my soul, hungry for a reason.

“I—” I hesitated. The first time I spoke the truth, Cyn did not believe me. How different could this be?

“What? Please... This would be the last time so please... fairy... Just tell me.” He begged.

I'm confused. Whenever he see me after the incident, it looked like he wanted to cut my head off but now he's like a lone puppy who longs for his master.

I couldn't utter a word.

His face darkened, the hand that was gripping my arm the whole time moved and grasped my cheeks with too much force. He forced me to look at him, directly. His expression is peculiar. He's smiling but at the same time he is terrifying.

“What's with that man for you to ruin yourself? Am I not enough?” He shouted.

What the heck is happening.

“Is it because he's the crown prince huh? I–I worked hard all my life just to–just to have a right to stand next to you.” His voice cracked.

“W-What?” I asked, confused.

His grip on my cheeks softens, he caressed my cheeks  lovingly.  “It should be me, Serena. I am the one who can understand you. You're mine.” He said then laughed like a maniac who lost his mind.

You're mine, my fairy.” he said in a low, terrifying voice.

He's not the Luca I know when we were kids nor the Luca in the book I have created.

Just who is this?

“What are you talking about?” I said, with the same emotionless voice. I am terrified but smart enough not to show it to him.

“I—” The door of my room opened, Cyn entered in the room, he is surprised of the scene he saw. Luca's hands were in my cheek and still, I am on the floor kneeling infront of him.

“Let go of her this instant.” Cyn's voice were full of authority. Luca's personality changed in an instant.  He stoop up and faced Cyn.

“Pardon my rude manners towards your fiancee, your grace. I am just assuring that she did not hurt herself by falling earlier.” He said with a small smile in his face.

“Leave.” Cyn's cold voice echoed through the room. Luca bowed but before he left the room, he took a last glance at me, with the same expression he had when we're alone earlier.

Cyn helped me to stand up and I sat on the corner of my bed as he sat just beside me.

“What happened?” He asked.

I did not dare to speak. This is the first time I got a closer look at Cyn after the war. He looked... more mature specially the scar on his neck. Serena reached out to touch the scar on his neck.

“Are you okay?”  I was surprised how Serena can take over these past few hours. Maybe it's because I have become unstable after the confrontation with Celine and Luca.

Cyn flinched and covered his neck with his collar. “I should be asking you that.” He said, clearing his throat.

We sat on silence for awhile. It is kind of awkward with the amount of dead air between us, specially with Serena here.

“So... our engagement would be formally announced. You'll be the crown princess soon enough.” He said.

Oh. That's what it is.

“I know you hate me, Serena but I did this for the sake of the Empire.” He explained.

“I need the people's support to overthrow the current Emperor and winning war over wars are the fastest path to get that.” He added.

“Once you've become an Emperor. Would you one thing for me?” I said, looking intently at him.


“Let me go, please.” I begged.

I can feel Serena's anger inside me but I do not care. I wanted any assurance that I can go far from this place, away from them, where I can be safe.

“I—yes, okay. I'll do everything in my power to do it.” He hesitantly answered.

For the first time in a while, I felt lightness as if I was relieved by all my worries.

“Thank you so much.” I gave him the most genuine smile I can manage and he gave it back.

“I won't hold you for too long. Rest.” He said then left the room.

I felt happiness.

There is still hope for me.

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