XXIV: Return of the Crown Prince

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The will I had to live a happy life vanished over the years. Betrayal and abandonment made me feel like some sort of rubbish. I haven't seen the faces of my father nor my brothers. It seems like they have left me to rot and die here, alone. Just like what they did on the original plot.

The love and longing I once felt for them, disappeared with every second that had passed.

“Cyn is finally back.” Serena exclaimed, her feelings was still connected with mine. I also felt how happy she was. Something I would never understand.

After all those years, given the fact she has the memories of her future, her love for Cyn never withered, not even a second.

How big can her heart be?

“Don't expect that much.” I responded. The Empress commanded me to dress up and make myself presentable so I did.  We will be attending the banquet for the welcoming of the the crown prince and the soldier, as well as their celebratory and appreciation event as they have successfully won the war.

The moment that I finished dressing myself up, I immediately went to the Empress' chamber. Both me and Serena was terrified of her. I stood there infront of the huge wooden door as I've waited for her highness to come out.

She did, after approximately an hour of waiting outside. She looked at me from bottom to top, silently judging everything about me. She ordered her maids to bring her the collar and put it on me.  The collar of a dog that she was very fond of.  She pulled the chains that was connected to the collar to urge me to follow her and we made our way to the main hall, where the banquet were held.

Hundreds of nobility and people with high status were present, enjoying the wine and the food that the palace have served. The chatters filled the hall as people kept on talking with their empty words.

“Your highness!” A high-pitched voice greeted the Empress. A lady in her late thirties bowed carelessly. She seemed like drank a lot of wine, making her spill wine from the glass she was holding to the Empress' shoes.

“I—I am really sorry, your highness!" The lady immediately apologized, her face as pale as snow.

Unlike how the Empress treats me, she just gave the lady a comforting smile and a tap on a shoulder. “It is alright, accident happens.” said the Empress.

“Come.” The Empress demanded.

The people in this kingdom now knew me as a dog of the Empress. I do nothing but follow all her orders. I made my way to the Empress as she whispered in my ears.  “Clean this mess on an instant.” She ordered.

I quickly went on my knees and wiped her shoes using the handkerchief that was in my small pouch.  Most of the eyes of people here were on me.

“What a shame.” Someone from the crowed whispered.

I was used to it.

“The sun of the Empire has arrived!” A knight shouted. The Empress walked towards the throne and sat beside the emperor.

The huge doors of the imperial hall opened, a platoon of knights marched, leaded by the crown prince, beside him was Luca and Celine.

“What is she doing here!? That witch! Why is she with Cyn?”  Serena shouted. Her shouting wouldn't do a single thing as I am the only one who can hear her but I can feel the anger that she was feeling.

The crown prince, including the soldiers, Celine and Luca knelt to show respect for the Emperor who stood up and overlook them.

“Welcome back, my children!” He enthusiastically said, probably happy as he successfully claimed the foreign land for himself.

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