Chapter II: Life as Serena Gleis

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Since the incident, months have slipped by without a glimpse of Caspian. The uncertainty gnaws at me, a constant ache in my heart. I can only hope he's safe, wherever he may be. In my isolated existence, I'm left to wonder if I'm the sole target of the Duke's cruelty or if others, like Caspian, suffer in silence as well.

After the merciless beating, life resumed its bleak routine. Confined to my room, I'm forgotten and abandoned, left to wither away in solitude. Occasionally, they toss me a scrap of bread, a pitiful gesture that does little to alleviate the gnawing hunger that plagues me. My once-pale complexion now verges on ghostly, a testament to the malnutrition that ravages my body with each passing day.

Reincarnated into a novel, yet trapped in a world devoid of sensation, I find myself questioning the purpose of this existence. What good is the wealth of the Gleis if I cannot savor its luxuries? What good is any of it, when even the simple pleasure of eating is denied to me? Bound by the limitations of this narrative, I am left to ponder the irony of my predicament, longing for experiences beyond the confines of these pages.

I can't survive like this, I need a plan.

Maybe I should be in a somehow good relationship with the Duke?

It feels impossible. Why is he that hostile to Serena anyway?

I am Serena Gleis, daughter of the Duke of Gleis, born to his first wife. My mother's name eludes me now, lost in the recesses of memory, but I do recall her origins-a daughter of the Archduchy in Clye, a once-proud realm now fallen into shadow within this vast empire. Though my past may be shrouded in uncertainty, the blood that courses through my veins carries the weight of lineage and legacy, binding me to a history I struggle to reclaim.

"Fix yourself, the Lord has summoned you." Lucille boldly said and left.

Despite our brief exchange, her hostility towards me remains palpable, a constant reminder of my precarious position in this household. Yet, there's a subtle shift in her demeanor, a slight softening that hints at the possibility of a fragile truce. Regardless, her treatment of me remains unkind, but I've grown accustomed to such treatment-it no longer holds the power to wound me as deeply as before.

Standing, I make my way to the modest dresser, donning whatever attire they've seen fit to provide me. With practiced ease, I settle before the small vanity, seeking solace in the familiar routine of grooming, a fleeting moment of respite amidst the turmoil of my existence.

Serena possesses an ethereal beauty that captivates the eye, her features like something out of a dream. With her striking crimson eyes and cascading white hair, she exudes an otherworldly allure, reminiscent of characters from ancient folklore. A pang of envy stirs within me as I gaze upon her, wishing I could bask in such radiance-if only they hadn't condemned me to wither away in neglect.

Finishing my grooming ritual, I take one last glance in the mirror before departing the room, steeling myself for whatever trials await beyond its confines.

The door to my room is only unlocked when the Duke deems it necessary to summon me, with Lucille always stationed outside, a silent sentinel to ensure my compliance. It's as if they fear I'll attempt to flee, but the notion is absurd. In this labyrinthine manor, unfamiliar and vast, the prospect of escape is nothing short of a death sentence. I'd sooner perish in these suffocating confines than venture into the unknown abyss beyond.

We ventured to a new destination this time, traversing through a desolate garden that seemed to languish in neglect. Not a single flower graced its barren expanse, rendering it devoid of life and color. Despite the meticulous maintenance evident in the well-trimmed bushes and orderly trees, the absence of blooms puzzled me. Perhaps they harbored a disdain for flowers or deemed vibrant hues unnecessary in their austere domain.

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