Chapter 159

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"Yes? I thought he had all his wounds taken care of?!"

"Oh, I don't think it's the wounds, he seems to be suffering from some kind of after-effects. I heard that he keeps talking to himself a lot."

Talking to himself? Is Kayden really okay?

Amidst my worries, Heisen carefully asked again, "If you don't mind me asking, can you tell me what exactly happened to you?"

Heisen's question left me speechless for a moment, and then he continued to bombard me with questions.

"How did you disappear so suddenly, where have you been all this time, and what happened to you? I think that's probably the question that people all over the continent are curious about right now, and it's the reason for this insane war."

It was natural to be curious. I expected them to. But there was nothing I could say right now.

Remnants of the Alea Island project still remain. It is presumed that there will be further intervention by the Holy See, House Rohade, and other forces.

So I'd better get a grip on what's going on before talking to anyone. Rash words will only cause confusion.

"When I think about that time...... it's still too hard for me......"

I clutched my chest like a tragic heroine and made a pained face. No tears flowed, but I pretended to wipe them away with my fingers.

Heisen and Noel waved their hands in response, looking worried.

"It's okay, we said something unnecessary......!"

"I'm sorry, young lady. Then please rest."

I sighed as I watched Heisen and Noel shuffle out of the barracks. I'll have to ask the others which barracks Kayden is resting in.

I put Eunji, who had shrunk to the size of a snake, into the pocket of my jacket. Probably because she likes to watch things, she poked her head out of my pocket and looked at me curiously.

I chuckled at the cuteness and slid out of bed. The uneaten stew was cooling on the table, but I had no appetite.

I couldn't stay still because I was worried about Kayden's condition. I think the after-effects of having his body taken over by Jenas are still strong.

I lifted the curtain of the barracks and looked out cautiously. The knights were bustling about, but I couldn't see where Heisen and Noel, who guarded the front of the barracks, had gone.

The barracks I am staying in has a blue flag, which Enoch had told me was the color they use to mark the barracks of VIPs.

Kayden's barracks should has a blue flag, too, so I'll have to find it.

As I was busy moving around, I could feel the heavy weight of the flare gun in my pocket. Rummaging through my pocket, I briefly held the flare gun in my hand.

The various modern items such as flare bullets, emergency medicine, and grenades that were in my crossbody bag were also brought here. But they are of no further use now.

'I'm sure people here will be amazed to see it.'

I chuckled and then carefully removed my hand from my pocket.

The barracks of the camp were built on a vast plain. It was an open plain on three sides, with a huge river running through it.

The wide sky comes into view at a glance. Thanks to this, I was able to fully see the setting sun.

While looking for Kayden's barracks, I quietly looked up at the sunset sky.


Alea Island with its green scenery was objectively more beautiful. However, the difficult days there did not give me time to admire its natural beauty.

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