Chapter 152

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"......what? Wait, wait, wait......!"

Jenas walked slowly toward me, standing on the magic circle, and I hastily held out my arms to stop him.

He looked down at me arrogantly, eyebrows raised in annoyance.

"Why? You got something to say?"

"Are you going to kill me?"

"You're going to die anyway, so why are you so scared? It's okay, I'll make it quick."

Startled, I quickly asked another question.

"Okay, wait, wait, wait. Wait. Kayden......! Is Kayden really dead?"

"Might as well be dead. I told you, I ate him. He'll never wake up from this," Jenas replied, pointing to his chest once more.

My mind went blank at his answer which made me despair. I tried to control my emotions and told myself:

'It's okay, he's not dead, and I don't have to die, so get a grip.'


Jenas narrowed his eyes and stared at Margaret as she whimpered.

Trapped inside the magic circle, unable to escape, she was like a cute little canary in a cage. She could only rack her brains with her tiny head for words.

A thin smile crept across his face, shadowed red by the candlelight. A low, bassy voice echoed through the room.

"Don't waste your energy racking your brains."

Margaret lifted her head and looked up at him. Her sparkling blue eyes held a flash of displeasure. Jenas took her dislike for him in stride.

Hesitating, with a troubled look on her face, Margaret spoke cautiously, " asked me why the people of the world beyond don't open the dimensional door? There is no magic in that world. It's not magic, as you imagine, but rather highly advanced industrial technology."

Margaret's words piqued his interest. A world without magic, how could there be such a thing?

Jenas tilted his head, as if to indicate that he was willing to listen to her story, and then asked her to continue.

Margaret bit her lower lip and glared at him, then continued.

"There's no point in opening my head, because first-hand experience and fragmentary memories don't compare. You'll never make it in that world without me. Think about it. You need me."

The way Margaret glared at him with malice in her eyes, even as she told him he needed her, was something to behold. He wanted to torment her more, to see her tears.

It was a kind of sadism Jenas had never felt before. It was the first time he'd ever been this interested in someone, the first time he'd ever found it enjoyable to have a conversation with.

Jenas stroked his chin and studied Margaret's face. She doesn't want to be killed, so she's trying to talk him down, but she doesn't seem to be able to hide her hostility toward him.

'She's cute.'

Too bad I can't kill her right away.

Looking at her, Jenas couldn't help but smile. Unaware that he was smiling like that, he turned to Margaret and said with a hint of arrogance, "I'm afraid not, Margaret. I have no intention of adapting to the world beyond the dimension, not when I'm in complete control."

Glaring at him, Margaret's eyes shook violently. Jenas crossed his arms and watched her agitated face. Then he pulled up a chair and sat down close to her.

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