Chapter 100

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My throat dried up from the rising fear.

What if the door closes while I sit still like an idiot? It's like a horror movie!

I hurriedly got up and ran out of the room.

Luckily, the door closed later and I wasn't trapped in the room. However, I witnessed the black shadow I had just seen disappear into the fourth room.

Damn. I would rather have Jenas come back to the cabin sooner rather than later.

"It looks like it's telling me to come into that room......."

I wonder if I'll find something like the book I picked up in the second room again. For example, a clue that will get me a little closer to this island's secrets.

Okay. To survive even a little longer, I must be brave.

I made a firm decision and passed the third room and stood in front of the fourth door. It's the last room on the third floor. After taking a deep breath, I opened the door.

There are no ghosts to worry about. The room is cleaner than expected. The structure and furniture are also similar to the second room; bed, cupboard, and desk.

Unlike the second room, which seemed to have been empty for a long time, in this room, daily necessities were scattered on the desk, as if someone had been there a while ago.

I calmly go into the room.

"Nothing seems special."

Then I found writing in the desk drawer. The first drawer had the word 'Modification' written in the imperial language.


I tilted my head and slowly opened the drawer. And I found a flare gun that looks like a red revolver pistol placed inside it.

"Huh? It's the same as mine."

Even the 'Alea' written on the side of the flare gun is the same as mine.

There is also a bullet pouch, which holds more bullets than I have.

I took out the water-soaked flare gun from my crossbody bag and replaced it with the one in the drawer. Then, I took the large bullet pouch and put it in my bag.

"Did the owner of this room modify it himself?"

I think my guess is correct, seeing the word 'Modification' written on the drawer and the unusual shape of the flare gun.

In the second drawer, it was written 'Daily Necessities.' I opened the drawer and took out the lighter in it. Then I put down my wet Zippo lighter and put a new one in my bag.

"Are all these things Jenas's?"

If so, should I put it back?

From a moral point of view, that's true. However, it is not an easy choice in a situation where lives are at stake. I swallowed dry saliva and pondered.

As my thoughts grew longer, I suddenly remembered what the owner of the book had written. What's more important than survival is that I don't forget who I am.

'I have to put it back.......'

"Right, those are all mine."


I was startled by the sudden voice behind me and fell to the floor.

I turned and saw Jenas leaning against the doorway, staring at me with an expressionless face.

"Uh, when did you come?"

"Just now."

The handsome boy, who was standing leisurely with his arms folded, answered calmly.

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