Chapter 141

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"Seal them? Those spirits? It's dangerous!"

"Don't worry. If I can't handle that much, I don't deserve to be an Archbishop. Once I make it off this island, I can take them out separately and seal them forever."

It is similar to the method of appeasing the spirits of ghosts and releasing their resentments.

"How do you do that? Isn't it dangerous? You can't even use your divine power, and you do realize they are not just spirits, right? They are strong enough to fuel the evolution of monsters."

"All you need is a sealing stone. You don't need divine power to use it, it's an object that contains divine power in itself."

A sealing stone?

"You have that now?"

At my question, Ruzef nodded and pulled out the necklace he had tucked inside his priestly robe.

The pendant that has a sun-like pattern has a key-shaped end.

"If you're an Archbishop, you wear it on your person at all times."

I narrowed my brow, listening to him, then shook my head again.

"But suppose you seal those spirits inside your body, you don't even know what will happen after that."

"It's not like there aren't any cases like this, I learned about it in theory when I was a seminarian."

"You do realize that theory and practice are different, right?"

"Of course. Oh, and by the way, if suppose I lose consciousness, can you convey my words to Lord Kayden?


Ruzef hesitated for a moment, and then he scratched his cheek in embarrassment.

"I am useful too."

At a loss for words, I looked into Ruzef's eyes.

It's because Enoch and Kayden have otherworldly abilities, and never once did I think Ruzef was useless, because he tried his best in his own way.

But he had been thinking about it all along and was putting his mind to it. Why didn't I think of encouraging him with all my heart?

Is there really nothing I can do to help him in this situation?

"Don't look at me like that. I'm not dying."

How did he interpret my expression? He said that with a smile.

He took off the necklace around his neck and drew a circle on his palm with the sharp point of the pendant, making a gash.

[Oh, no! No!]

Then the tree turned toward us. Its roar was so loud that it shook the entire cave, and I quickly covered my ears.

Eunji spewed fire at the tree from afar, but it glowed pure white, absorbing all the fire.

Hell, is there really no other way than for Ruzef to become a vessel?

The tree trunk, reaching for us at breakneck speed, attacked me, not Ruzef. The tree trunk, sharpened like an awl, pierced me with its aggression.

[Mana! Now! Give it to me!]


"Young lady!"

I heard the panicked shouts of the three men. I calmly pulled a flare gun from my crossbody bag, loaded it, and quickly rolled on the ground.

I could see a tree trunk deeply embedded in the ground where I had just been.

I took advantage of the gap and jumped on top of it, climbing up the trunk to the main body of the tree. The faces clinging to the tree quickly turned toward me. Their glaring eyes were creepy.

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