Chapter 27

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I tucked the harpoon into the vines I tied around my waist. For the past few days, Enoch has been catching fish himself, but he seems busy today, so I had to come forward.

"Where do you think the fish you've eaten for the past few days came from?"

"W-Wait, did I hear wrong? Margaret Rose Floné hunting fish?"

I was too lazy to answer Kayden's repeated question, so I just nodded my head.

"Crazy. Are you going to catch fish with that harpoon? Are you really a noble lady?"

"That's discrimination. Can't a noble lady hunt fish?"

"Even I, as a nobleman, also don't hunt fish, especially with a harpoon like that."

I was emotional and asked back, but I admitted that my question was strange.

That's true. Which noble would go hunting for fish? It's with a harpoon, too. Even if I thought about it, it made no sense. However, no matter how noble a person is, he will definitely do anything if his survival is at stake.

"Anyway, I want to stop eating fish, but there doesn't seem to be any animals to hunt nearby."

I think it's time to move to another place. We had to find an environment with a little bit more food resources.

As I was thinking about it, Enoch came back just in time.

Enoch returned with a bunch of coconuts in his hands, and when he found Kayden, he frowned.

He roughly put the coconut in the cave, came back, took my hand, and let go of it from Kayden.

"Obviously, I kept him tied up."

At Enoch's murmuring, I found a piece of cloth hanging from Kayden's right wrist. It seems that he left Kayden tied in the cave.

"Don't come near Margaret."

Enoch blocked my way again and looked at Kayden.

"Now he treats me like a germ."

Kayden murmured, but neither I nor Enoch responded.

I said to Enoch, "Don't tie him up again. I asked him to do something."

At my words, Kayden stuck out his lower lip and responded with a sulky look.

"I'm not going to do it."

"Then there's no rice."

"How much firewood should I bring?"

Kayden gave up quickly and came over to me.

I told him to get some firewood for this evening and tomorrow morning.

"I've wanted to ask you before, Margaret, because you're really different from the Margaret Rose Floné I know."

Suddenly Kayden asked, "Are you someone else?"

I could not readily deny that statement.

Kayden looked at my face. Of course, he was immediately stopped by Enoch.

Enoch took good care of me like a mother wolf takes care of her baby. And I don't mind being protected by him.

"That's because you don't know Margaret well. Because you don't know Margaret's true self."

Enoch said to Kayden in a sarcastic tone.

What? After all, even Enoch wouldn't know my true self. It was funny.

Hearing Enoch's words, Kayden looked back at me with a frown on his forehead and folded his arms.

"What is your true self?"

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