11. austin nights

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It was another Formula 1 Friday, as everyone knew them. This would be their practice, and it would also be the first show on Lisbon Viotto's small tour. She was a bit nervous and the fact that Oscar might be there too terrified her just a little bit more, but she knew that it would be fine.

Friday would be both Oscar's practice and qualifying, and Lisbon wouldn't be there for either. They were going to get coffee together in the morning, and then they wouldn't see each other until who knows when. Lisbon didn't know if he was bluffing about coming to her show or not.

Oscar had full intentions of going. There was no chance that he wouldn't make it to the first show of his girl's tour.

His girl.

She wasn't his girl.

If she wasn't, then why was her bed the only one undone in their hotel room with two beds? That was voluntary. If she wasn't his girl, why did he feel like she was in their every moment? Why did he want it so bad?

This feeling was reminiscent, it was like deja vu. It was what loving something was to Oscar, and he felt extremely conflicted. His heart had been borrowed, and blue as well. Love was a risky game that Oscar was scared of playing again.

Especially with someone as special to him as Lisbon. Especially with someone who didn't reciprocate his feelings.

It was seven in the morning, and they both had to wake up. Lisbon had to go to the venue, soundcheck, and get ready for her show. Oscar had to get to the circuit, take his practice laps, and his qualifying.
After that he was free to go to Lisbon's show.

Rare occurrence, but Oscar woke up before Lisbon did, and he saw her lying there, in such peace that he didn't even want to wake her up, but he had to.

"Lis, baby, wake up, we've gotta get ready."

The words left his mouth before he could think about them, and he immediately scolded himself. He couldn't call her names like that, no matter how much he wanted to. He just hoped she was too asleep to hear it. 

Lisbon wasn't asleep when Oscar lightly shook her shoulder, and she heard him loud and clear. A rosy pink had risen to her cheeks, so she pretended to stir in bed so that it would disappear.

Oscar saw her start to wake and a small smile appeared on his face, "We've both got big things today, Lis, we've got to wake up."

"Osc, c'mon, five more minutes?" She asked, head buried under into her pillow.

He let out a little laugh, "I'd love that Lizzie, but we don't have time, come on, we've got to get ready."

Lisbon complied, but she also noticed something new. Lizzie.

She'd never had anyone use that nickname for her, and it felt very endearing. She loved that Oscar was the one who'd came up with it.

She'd felt so cherished around him. She'd never felt anything like it. Her past has been full of sad love songs, never getting to truly feel loved, and she had finally felt appreciated. The problem was that it was with someone who didn't truly feel the same way. It tore her to pieces, but she had to put herself together.

This feeling was something that Lisbon had felt before, and she was ready to try it again. She didn't want to stay in a lonely, self deprecating place forever, and she knew she had to move on. She just couldn't help but want that with Oscar. Too bad he didn't want it as well.

If this is how Oscar treated someone he didn't love, Lisbon wondered what it would be like with someone he did.

"Are you buying the coffee?"

Good For Business, Oscar Piastri Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang