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HEADLINE: Lisbon Vinotto with Oscar Piastri and Logan Sargeant?Written by Kara Walker, Published Sep

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HEADLINE: Lisbon Vinotto with Oscar Piastri and Logan Sargeant?
Written by Kara Walker, Published Sep. 23, 07:54 AM.

In Japan this weekend, is the Formula 1 Grand Prix. Crowds of people come together to watch the sport for one weekend at a time, and some of the crowd are the driver's wives and girlfriends. A new addition to that group this week is star Lisbon Viotto, singer songwriter who is "Grid Royalty."

The question is- Who did she come here with?

Ever since the Italian Grand Prix two weeks ago, rumors have been spreading that Viotto is in a romantic merger with McLaren Rookie, Oscar Piastri. They were seen out in Japan on Thursday, and both posted on their social medias about going out with each other. However, Activities yesterday lead us to think otherwise.

Yesterday afternoon after Free Practice 1, Lisbon Viotto went out with Williams Rookie, Logan Sargeant. They were seen at a Cafe together. Who knows what this means for the Aussie. We'll see what this means for Lisbon Viotto in the future! Read more here.


Lisbon Viotto woke up to an extremely uncomfortable article. What the hell does that mean for her future, Kara Walker?
She got up, brushed her teeth, showered, then called Logan.

"Lisbon, what do you want? I stayed up playing Crossy Road"

"Stop whining, you played plenty in the Cafe restroom. Did you see that article?" She asked him, having him on speaker while she changed.

"No, I've been asleep, I'm trying to soak up sleep for qualifying."

"It's about us and Oscar."

"Tell Oscar about it. I'm so tired dude." He said into his pillow.

"Fine, see you"

She got herself ready, and went over next door to Oscar's room. She was nervous, but what was she to do? She needed to talk to someone about it, and Oscar was involved. He was a shoulder to lean on.
She knocked on his door, and he opened immediately.

"Lisbon! I was just about to go see you, come on in." He said, inviting her.

She stepped into his room which looked just like hers. I mean, it was a hotel room.
"What's up, you sleep good?" He asked her, gesturing for her to sit on his bed. He didn't want her to be uncomfortable.

"I did, like a baby," She started, "Did you see that article?"

"Yeah, I did, are you okay?"

This shocked Lisbon. He asked if she was okay. She came to ask if he was okay. She didn't expect him to care. Of course they were friends, they had to be, but they also didn't have to be attached by the hip. It made Lisbon feel really good, you know, that he cared. No one has ever cared for her like that.

"It's not the easiest. I know it sounds stupid but stuff like this makes me feel really nervous and I get all in my head. I know I can seem confident but it's all an act, and I really wish that was who I really was because now I feel like this." She said admittingly. She felt extremely bad for dumping on him like this, but she needed to get it out.

When they started this, she knew they'd be scrutinized, but never in this manor. It felt bad. Maybe she was being dramatic. Maybe it was never that big of a deal. It felt like a big deal to her, though.

"I'm sorry that this happens, and it sucks that the article was written," He starts, unsure of how to proceed, "but you know you're not two timing me, and you're one of the sweetest people I know, Lisbon. I've known you for about 4 days, and you're extremely wonderful, love. I'm glad I have to fake this with you"

It pains him that he has to say that and not just be able to say that they'd need to endure it together, but he cannot lie to the girl who looks like she might be on the brink of tears on his bed. His attempts of comfort work, and she's really glad he's here.

"Thank you, Osc," she says standing up, "Oh I'm sorry I came to you in the morning to come bother you, I know your last free practice is in an hour."

"No it's okay, before you came in I was about to go ask if you wanted to come out to the track with me for my last practice?" He asks the girl, hoping she'll say yes.

"That'd be nice, yeah!" Lisbon said, "Just let me go get my bag."

They both headed out of Oscar's room and she went into hers. While Oscar waited in the hall, he sees Logan and Alex, and they shoot him some thumbs up. Oscar was confused, but he just brushed it off.

"You see? They're gonna fall in love for real, they're going to get married, and they're gonna ask us to speak at their wedding because we instigated!" Logan says with a little smile.

"But we haven't done anything yet?" Alex said back to Logan's theoretical universe.

"key word, yet, Alex. Just you wait, there just hasn't been an opportunity yet!"


Oscar and Lisbon made their way out of the hotel, surprisingly, with their hands linked. They decided it would be "good for the internet." Deep down, they both just wanted to hold each other hands.

They got inside a car that had been rented for Oscar. That made Lisbon think, how was she supposed to ge around if she wasn't with Oscar this whole time? This was something Julia had foreseen, so she didn't feel the need to get a ride for Lisbon. Julia wanted them to be friends.

Oscar started the car, and he offered
Lisbon the aux cord. She accepted it, and she put on a Fleetwood Mac song she had on her cue. The car ride felt shorter than it actually was, and it was filled with nothing except comfortable silence and Stevie Nicks' hauntingly beautiful voice.

It felt right for the two, and they'd never felt something like it.


author's note: short chapter today asf!! i literally cannot write more than one chapter a day bc i wrote this yesterday when i wrote chapter six and i honestly feel like this one is so bad 😭 i love seeing oscar and lisbon get more comfortable like it's so cute 🫶 hope u vote if u enjoyed !! love you guys <3

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