Episode 45

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TL by Miru

I'm a Genius Idol but My Passive is Sunfish: Episode 45


[ISSUE] Collection of DASE's Stage Outfits That Are Currently Hot Topics

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ID's rookie boy group DASE has made a comeback with a 'doll concept'.

Their groundbreaking promotion called <DASE's Dressing Room> has turned social media upside down for a while.

Even if you're not a fan of DASE, if you're an idol fan, you've probably checked out their Dressing Room at least once.

Fans joked that when the group starts promoting, they might actually wear the outfits the fans posted on social media in their music shows.

And that actually happened.

(School uniform outfit group photo.jpg)

(Checked blouse, choker, and leather pants outfit group photo.jpg)

(Jumpsuit outfit group photo.jpg)

(Denim jacket and jeans outfit group photo.jpg)

+ I'll keep adding them in the comments.


- It's like they're making a comeback every day, haha.

- I love it so muchㅠㅠㅠ Can they please wear a suit just onceㅠㅠㅠㅠ

- I'm a fan of another group, but I'm so jealous...

- (Harness outfit group photo.jpg)

└ Wow.. each member has a different harness.

- There are at least four music shows including cables, so they're churning out 24 outfits per week

- The stylists here are really working hard~

- Minsung and Baekya were the only ones who wore jumpsuits properly, but the others.......ㅋㅋㅋ

└ Yulmu was wearing nothing underneath, with his buttons undone...

└ I love how Yuyeon and Chung Chung only wore the bottoms of their jumpsuits and tied the jacket sleeves around their waists!!!

- So prettyㅠㅠ

- (Sailor uniform outfit group photo.jpg)

└ Baekya in a sailor uniform + beret is legendary

- Chung Chung wearing denim!

//TN: "Denim" or "jeans" in Korean is also "chung," so the comment is basically saying that Chung Chung is wearing chung.

- The smaller guys look really cute in sailor uniforms, haha. The taller ones look more like they're wearing navy uniforms than sailor uniforms.

└ I'm glad their sailor suits look like navy uniforms

└ That "small guy" is actually 175cm tall

- This is a bit off-topic, but the guy who wore a beret sings really well... His voice just keeps going up and up;

└ The four-octave range?

└ Maybe that's why they're getting a good response these days. Their music streams seem to be climbing slowly.

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