Episode 43

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TL by Miru

I'm a Genius Idol but My Passive is Sunfish: Episode 43

In the same moment, Jihan was sticking a sticker on Minsung's forehead.

The quiet lunatic turned out to be the owner of such otherworldly sense.

[Yuyeon: Stop right there.]

[Jihan: ??? (confused)]

[Yuyeon: Put down the sticker and raise your hands.]

A culprit caught red-handed at the scene. Jihan, deprived of his stickers, tried to protest his innocence, but Yuyeon was resolute.

[Yuyeon: No stickers for you, hyung.]

[Jihan: I won't stick it on the forehead.]

Jihan attempted to negotiate once more, but to no avail. The cat became helpless, having lost everything.

Then, a rabbit and a wolf appeared and began sticking stickers haphazardly on the cat's face. Jihan became an excellent canvas.

The scene then changed.



Jihan's rap part started as he moved along from one end of the road to the other. The Steadicam-holding cameraman moved along with him, capturing his movements.

The choreography of the members was shown briefly, and then the scene shifted again. Two people appeared in front of a quaint toy house.

[Yuyeon: Welcome to DASE's Doll House~]

[Baekya: This is supposed to be an elementary school in the English Village. It's actually a place where young children study.]

[Yuyeon: Oh, really? So that's why there were desks and chairs over there.]

Yuyeon pointed at the Doll House and then jokingly said they would go inside it in a moment.

Baekya played along cleverly.

[Baekya: That's right, there's no one here right now, so we just went outside for a while.]

While answering, the sunfish, curious, was examining the toy. He stealthily stretched out his hand.

Just before touching, Yuyeon, who had been quietly watching, playfully tapped Baekya's arm, startling him.

[Yuyeon: Boo!]

[Baekya: Ah!]

A scream, followed by a hastily retracted hand. Baekya moved away from the prop. He realized too late it was just a prank, but all he could do was glare helplessly.

The hamster bit his lower lip in a threatening manner, but that wild animal didn't even blink.


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