Episode 36

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TL by Miru

I'm a Genius Idol but My Passive is Sunfish: Episode 36

The time was summer, probably around this time last year. She had accompanied her friend, who was AIM's Yeonha's homepage master, to the ID building. She had stuck by her friend's side, complaining about taking pictures of idols when it was so hot.

She didn't have any special reason to be there. She just happened to fall for her friend's offer to treat her to fried chicken.

All she had to do was stand in front of the tripod with a camcorder while her friend took pictures. It was totally bullshit.

When she arrived at the scene, she saw quite a few people like her, who couldn't concentrate and were gazing around.

Apparently, they were creating a K-pop street in Gangnam, and it happened to be in front of the ID office building, so it seemed like celebrities were there to promote it.

A little while later, the main gate opened, and Yeonha appeared with his bodyguards.

- Kang Yeonhaaaa!!!!

The fans loud shouts were pouring out. The flashes from homepage masters and reporters went off like fireworks everywhere.

"Ugh, my ears."

Still, she stuck her head out, figuring that she might as well see the famous AIM in person now that she came all the way here.

However, is this what fate is?

Like salmon swimming against the river flow, she spotted the head of someone with brown hair trying to work his way through the maddening crowd.

"...Who's that?"

"Ex-excuse me, could you let me through, please? Eugh!"

At that moment, the sun of her fangirl life, which would forever shine in her life, rose.

She became the 'Baekya Phenomenon.'

* * *

[The Boy Groups' "King of Summer War" Kicks Off with DASE, Comeback Showcase]

Comeback D-1.

In the late afternoon, DASE's comeback showcase, and press conference was held at a hotel in Samseong-dong.

With the host's introduction, DASE appeared. The members lined up in a set formation and greeted the press following the leader's chant.

As they were asked to introduce themselves one by one, the microphone was passed to Yulmu who was standing at the edge.

"Hello. I am DASE's Yulmu."

Starting with his low to mid-range voice, he introduced himself, followed by Jihan, Baekya, Minsung, Yuyeon, and finally Chung.

Then it was immediately time for the photo session.

The members gathered in the centre of the room as a flurry of camera flashes rained down on them. Following that, the host asked Minsung to share some thoughts about their first mini-album.

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