Episode 37

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TL by Miru

I'm a Genius Idol but My Passive is Sunfish: Episode 37

The tops and bottoms were separated, and 'Sparrow' decided to choose the top first. There were various options, from basic tees to vests, jackets, shirts, hoodies, and more. Among them, 'Sparrow' chose a white oversized shirt, purely based on personal preference.

Moving relatively quickly to the next step, perhaps because it was a male character, the bottom options were mainly basic items like jeans or slacks. Actually, not knowing much about men's clothing, 'Sparrow' randomly clicked on black pants, opting for ones that seemed to shine and look expensive.

The clothing section was cleared in an instant. Now, the long-awaited highlight, accessories, remained.

"Oh, my gosh."

Upon pressing the icon that looked like a jewellery box, various accessories loaded like a waterfall. There was no shortage of options, including hats, earrings, necklaces, animal ears, glasses, and more. For ID Entertainment, known for hiring only those from SKY universities, it seemed that the learned ones were different, no matter what.

//TN: SKY is an acronym for the three renowned universities in Seoul: Seoul National University, Korea University, and Yonsei University

"The educated perverts are the scariest."

'Sparrow' began trying on accessories one by one. She tried earrings, chokers, and then berets. After wandering around the accessory section like a nomad, she finally settled on an item.

"This is it!"

A black leather harness with a pretty pearl necklace adorned with cubic zirconia hanging around the neck. With the completed outfit, 'Sparrow' felt a sense of pride. She saved it and quickly moved to her own social media.

When she came to her senses, more than an hour had passed. The 'DASE Dressing Room' was already trending in real-time. Some fast-handed fans had already shared the characters they dressed up. 'Sparrow' quickly joined that lineup.

* * *

DASE members were gathered in the company's meeting room, still dressed in the press conference outfits. With only ten minutes left until midnight, they were seated around the table with a tablet PC in the middle.

"Uwah~ I'm so nervous."

Yulmu fussed nervously as he tapped his thigh.

"Baekdo isn't shaking today, huh? Ah~ is it because this is your second time?"

"It's not like that!"

Yulmu teased as he poked Baekya in the side.

Namkyung and Minsung were on the opposite side, setting up the camera, and the uncharacteristically quiet Chung was nodding off in a corner. This was the reason why DASE still had not been able to get off work and go home.

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