Breath And We Die

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Betty locked the door to his office for several hours. He could not believe what Jade just said, but with what he saw her capable of, — he knew it would be stupid to ignore her.

But how can he trust a stranger over his wife? The woman he had fallen in love with since college.

They've been married for over fifteen years and when they could not have a child, that was why they adopted Josephine.

He could not believe any of this, but he also knew he could not confront his wife, — so he decided...

He opened the door and walked towards the three of them: Jade, Wilson, and Morgan.

"Jade, you coming with me!"

"Yes sir."

"Wilson, you and Morgan work on tracing those guys... There was nothing to work with before, but now that you have their faces, run facial recognition on them."

He brought a flash out of his pocket and gave it to Morgan, "This will grant you access to the CIA classify files."

Morgan collected it, "Thank you, sir."

"Keep me informed."

Wilson and Morgan nodded 'Yes' as they went towards the elevator.

"Let's go!" Betty said and Jade followed.

"Back to your house, Sir?" She entered the elevator and pressed the number 1 button.

The elevator door closed, "You said you won't read my thoughts. "

"And I mean what I said, sir. I don't break my words unless am permitted to..."

"So, how did you —"

"Know we are going to your house?" she glanced at him, as the elevator opened. "That's what I'd do if I were being impulsive and not thinking clearly." she stepped out.

Betty followed and walked towards the car, he stopped by the driver's door, "You think am being impulsive?"

"Yes sir, I do!" she said bluntly.


She leaned her butt on the car burner, "You're senator of the United States, and soon to be President.
     And... You're about to drive yourself and move without any of your guards...

"I have special powers sir, but I don't have strength, which you know. So I can't fight, nor can I be your shield when bullets start flying.

"And am sure this is the second time you will be going back home in one day... I don't have to read your mind to know you don't do that often...

"So, if am right about your wife; she will suspect something is off."

Betty nodded his head in agreement as he brought out his phone, and dialed a number, "Meet me at the park... We going out."

He walked toward Jade as he put the phone back into his pocket and rested his butt beside her.
  "Anita is the only family I have. We've lost our daughter. So yes am not thinking straight at the moment.
     ...You should know that everything within me wants you to be wrong so badly."

"I hope so too."

He stood up straight as three of his guards came out from the door. He threw the car key to one, and the other two entered the car behind.

Jade sat at the front with the driver while Betty sat in the back seat.

When they got to the house, Betty told the guards to wait in the car.

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