Chapter 10

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"You..." Wilson said with a surprised countenance, "Senator of the United States... You left the CIA to start a secret organization?"

He glanced at me," Do you mind me asking why?" he added, focusing his gaze on him, waiting expectantly for an answer.

Betty sat down and crossed his legs, he clapped his hands lightly, "The CIA is corrupt, and the virus is spreading quickly. I have to resign before I get infected."

"So you're the good guys?" Wilson asked.

"I like to believe I am, yes.

"Jade," he turned to me, "I can get you off the street, and put you in one of our penthouses. — All I want from you—"

"You want me to prevent your death?" I finished his sentence.


"I have never done that before."

" I guess It's about time you upgrade your powers dear. I believe the reason why you see them ahead of time is so that you can prevent them from happening."

"I just tell people and that is all I do," I stated clearly.

"And you get nothing in return. I'm offering you a whole life here Jade; already made life. You don't have to work for money, just stay close to me and upgrade your powers.
    Besides, we have some beauties in this facility that can help you if you need it.

"Or, you can go back to living in the swam; it's your choice."

"How do you know I can prevent it?"

"The coming election is in two years Jade. You have a lot of time," he added.
      "I will give both of you time to think about it and let me know when you are ready."

Wilson and I exchanged looks

"You know am telling you the truth. Am the good guys," he added

"How can I reach you when we are ready with an answer?" Wilson asked.

"Common now Officer Wilson, don't be former. You know my office; don't you?
   Call the office line, and tell them your name. — For you, I will cancel all appointments." he said like a joke.

"I'm hungry, we need to go," I told Wilson.

"Not so fast darling."  Wilson and I glanced at each other and back at Betty.

"You see, the reason why this place has not been stormed into by some commando, must be that everyone is in a coma.
   My dear Jade, I believe you have put over five hundred people to sleep. I cannot imagine the kind of missing person posters that will be out by now,"

The look on Wilson's face looks as confused as mine.

"Everyone who worked here is undercover somewhere," Betty continued. "that's how we get our information.

"So it is very important that they wake up. So dear, am going to need you to wake them up."

I glanced at Wilson and back to Betty. "I can't!"

"What do you mean you can't?" he asked straight.

"I have never woke that much of people up before."

Betty's countenance seemed like he was recollecting something,
   "Wait a minute... There was an incident over five years ago in Town Square, where hundreds of people went into Coma, but they never found the cause.
    That was you?"

Wilson turned to me with curiosity.

I nodded slightly "Yes."

"What do you do to them?"

"I shut down whenever am exhausted, automatically my body goes to sleep. And my exhaustion explode, —"

"Like nuclear energy?"

"Yes. That affects everyone within 50 miles or more. When my body explodes like that, so are the trapped souls inside my body, For me to wake up, my body draws available energy—"

" From those around you?"

"Yes. I can't stop the infusion, it takes as much as is available. And I always consume all."

"There will be a limit to what you can take. There's always a limit to everything, but that's for another day.

"For now, you have to bring these people back up. They have lives and families to get back to, just the way Officer Wilson here has a grandma to get back to."

"How do you know about my grandmother?"

"I don't believe in coincidence, Officer Wilson. We are all meant to be here at this particular time. But I will answer your question another day.

"For now, Jade dear, whatever you need, I will provide, but by any means necessary these people need to wake up and get home. Because the truth is, until they wake up, none of us is leaving this place.

"This access card" he brought the white card, like the one Wilson was talking about. "only shows that you're a member of Collabra, and the system recognizes you.

"But the person in the control room will still need to check your details before you can come in or out.

"So you see dear, those people need to be up and I need to get out of here. My daughter just died, and I disappeared for three days without a call to my wife... I'm already dead the minute she sees my face."

Stretching out his inner sleeves, "It seems we all have things to get back to, —except for you Jade. So what is it going to be?"

"I can't do what you're asking, it might kill me."

"Might? You're not sure. Look at it this way, there is no other choice."

"What if she dies?" Wilson asked.

Betty let out a soft breath. " For all of our sake, let's hope not. Because if these people do not wake up... None of us will be leaving this place. And it is just a matter of time before we all die down here.

" So, Jade. What is it going to be; I'm not planning to die today; Are you?"


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Tara Wealth💕

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